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Hi guys!!!I'm baaaaaack! 

You can tell where this chapter is going.Friendly warning:if you are easily disturbed by drak themes,please don't read!!! 



*Magnus's pov* 

"Hi Magnus!"A familiar voice says 

"Emily..."I drop down to my knees 

"What's wrong big brother?" She asks and sits on her knees 

"I miss you so much,Emily it's all my fault.I didn't try hard enough.I failed I let you die.That's it.I can't live anymore." 

"Wha-what do you mean Mag?" She asks 

"You know exactly what." 

Her eyes widen 


I went to wash my face in the bathroom.I couldn't take the pain.I bring the knife and slice my arm,again and again.Scarlet liquid trickled down my arm.I fell to my knees,and clutched my arm.Emily came running in. 

"Magnus what have you done?!?!?" 

"I'm struggling to stay alive,okay?Every single day,I wish that I go to sleep and never wake up.But I stay alive for you." 

She snatched the knife from me and hid it.She wiped my cuts. 

"Magnus,please! Don't do something like that again.It makes me worry,what if one day I wake up and you're not there???" 

"Emily,I promise that won't happen.Cutting myself helps me deal with pain." 

She hid all the knifes and kept a close eye on me.From time to time,she would bring it up.But when I stated working I did it less.

" promised me that you would live your life to the best.Do fun things...for me.And know you're going to break it?" 

"I-" and the dream ends. 

I'm going to do it, I decide. 

Dan is fast asleep,snoring gently.Tears fill my eyes.I really like Dan,even more then a friend.But still... 

I patiently wait for him to wake up. 

"Morning Magnus!" 

I don't say anything 

"Hey, what's wrong?" 


And I just walk away.Do I really want to do this?Dan is the only person I care about.His smile,his ocean blue eyes.If I kill myself, I'll never be able to see that again.But I can't cope with the pain. 

I grab a paper and pen and write a note. 

Dear ao, 

If you're reading this,I killed myself.I'm really sorry and I hope you can forgive me.I just can't take this pain.I have nothing and no one.Emily's gone and my parents are dead.

And Dan...Thank you,for everything.For saving me from Tiko,being there for me.You know,I consider you as the one ray of sunshine in my life.

And I really care about you.Killing myself was hard,but it hard to be done.For the better.Now I'll be in peace,and watching you from above.Keep brawling Dan,you have a great passion for it and you're really good at it.I'll never forget the battles we had,they were epic as you said.I would've loved you battle you again...but this is way it is.

Never give up on what you love.

Magnus.I climb up the hotel roof and leave the note. 

*Dan's pov*

"Hey Lia,um can I talk to you?"I ask 


"Is it about Magnus?" 

"I- okay fine.It is.It's just...I like him a lot,more than a friend.But I don't know how to tell him!And he probably thinks I'm annoying anyways."I admit 

"Well that was obvious."Lia points out 

"Wait,IT WAS???" I exclaim 

"Yeah...I knew ever since Magnus stole the core cell data and offered to help us.You were literally smiling!And you went along with his plan so easily!And you almost talked both his ears off.And after everything,you were worried about him.Said you wanted to talk to him.Also,you so determined to save him from Tiko's control.It couldn't be more obvious.But why do you like him? " Lia asks 

"It's just... he's so tall.And really handsome.He's really passionate about brawling.And his gorgeous." My cheeks burn and I lower my gaze to the floor

"Awwww!Dan!You have to tell him!" 

"I know,I know." 

"That reminds me,where is Magnus?" We rush to find him in the roof of the hotel. 


He looks at me and smiles,tears in his eyes. 

"What are you doing up there?!?!" 

I climb to the roof. 

"I'm going to kill myself." He whispers 

"What???No Magnus...Please, don't." I plead 

"I have to,Dan Kouzo.It's for the best." 

"No...,"Tears roll down my cheeks like a waterfall.

"Who's going to take care if Nillious? Who's going to brawl with me and have epic battles like we do?Who's going to keep Emily's promise?Who's gonna take me places in the middle of the night and pay for me when I forget my money?Suicide doesn't end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better.It doesn't end the pain, it just passes it on to someone else.Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

I'm not telling you it'll be easy, I'm telling you it'll be worth it."I sob 

" you really care about me?" 

"Yes!I really do!I don't want you to die,no one does!" 

"You wouldn't understand,Kouzo." He mumbles

"I might not understand.But I promise I will always be by your side.I'll stick with you no matter what.You mean so much to me Magnus,how do you think I'd feel if I let you die???"I yell 

I hug him tight as my t-shirt gets soaked with his tears.I slowly rub his back. 

"I love you Magnus."I whisper so softly,he doesn't hear 

"Fine.I won't kill myself." 

I smile.

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