The ao

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Hi guys!!!I was struggling to write this chapter and so it's a bit shorter than the rest.Sorry!!!  

Time for more Magdan fluff 💕💕💕 

Let's get started!!! 


*Magnus pov* 

Me and Dan have been friends for a couple weeks.He really seems to like me(not a in a romantic way) and I'm glad.We meet up once every week and at least I have just one day to look forward to in my life.Usually,I struggle with making friends because I have no idea how and I just prefer to be alone.Or with Dan. 

I've learnt a lot about him in those couple of weeks.He's really clumsy and forgetful but it makes him even more adorable.I haven't told Ajit yet though,I wonder if I should. 

"Hey Magnus,do you wanna meet my friend?" 

"I... I'm not really good with people." 

"Oh.It's okay! I'm sure they're not gonna mind.It'll be fun!Please?"Dan pleads 


I mean,it can't be that bad right?The ao are pretty nice so... 

"Wynton!"Dan exclaims 

"Hey Dan, who's your friend?" 

"Wynton,this is Magnus.Magnus this is Wynton." 

Although I already know this 


"Uh.Hi."I mumble (A/N: Magnus struggling to socialize be like: ) 

"So how did you two meet?"Wynton questions 

I tell him how the story of how I found Dan's cat for him 

"Oh!Dan you're always losing Angel!You really need to be careful!One day you might end up losing her!"Wynton states 

"Well it's not my fault she runs out the door every time I open it!" 

"Then don't open the door around her!" 

I guess 10 year old Dan Kouzo somehow lacks more common sense then the Dan I know which I thought was literally impossible. 

"Well that's not just how she runs away!Sometimes she runs away when I come back from school." 

Wynton facepalms and I can't help but smile. 

Wynton tries to get to know me better and I just awkwardly reply to stuff.It's not that bad but I really struggle with socializing. 

"How long have you two been friends for?" 

Dan opens his mouth to speak 

"Actually-No.I don't remember." 

"Couple weeks." 

"Huh.And in those couple weeks Dan has been talking non stop about you."Wynton mentions 

"Hey!Wynton!"Dan yells 

"Really?" I ask and try to act like it doesn't bother me. 


"Wyntonnnnn!" Dan wails  

I wonder why.Maybe Dan just finds me fascinating... 

(A/N: It's actually Dan being interested in Magnus and starting to admire him.He just doesn't know it yet.) 

We talk and make of fun of Dan and do random stuff until Lia comes along. 

"Hey Lia!"Dan says 

"Hi Dan!Shun couldn't make it." 

(A/N: ik that Shun doesn't meet the ao for some time but I just decided to make it so that Shun lives in Los Volmos with Toshi looking after him.) 

"Aww!I really wanted Shun to come!" 

"Oh.Is this your friend that you wanted us to meet?" Lia asks 


Dan re-introduces me to Lia and I can't help but wish to get this over and done with.I'm so glad i feel like Lia has not problem with me. 

Not matter how much I told myself the opposite,I actually didn't want the ao to hate me and I DID mind. 

At least i went back in time and have actually met Dan and his friends on better terms.

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