Chapter Five: Mess Spectomentator

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"-And once it's through this column, the separated components go through an interface to turn it into something the vacuum in the MS device can deal with. After that it's through the mass spectrometer and that's how we detect substances. At that point, I need the software to actually analyse it."

Luther and Sloane are clearly lost. Klaus watches with polite, dreamy interest and Viktor's forehead is wrinkled with concentration. Five stands by the blackboard still frozen in a gesticulation towards his ridiculous diagram.

"How long does it take", asks Viktor, clearly not sure if this is the right question.

"If I were a real chemist- probably a two month study- but I don't have that time and this is just a pilot- a primer to get public attention. If I had the solvents at home I can probably knock myself up the HPLC device with all of Dad's old shit, but maybe not the mass spectrometer..."

"Uncle Viktor!"

Five is gone when you wake up. No morning training today, apparently. You shower, dress, put on makeup and still see no sign of him. Downstairs, you stick your head round Santi's bedroom door. He's still asleep. Five has usually got him up for school by now. You gently wake him.

"Where's Uncle Five?" he yawns.

"He must be making breakfast, come on buddy, let's get dressed."

You help him choose an outfit for school that's partway appropriate, vetoing his initial choice of Bermuda shorts and dress-shoes.

Together you head downstairs, hearing voices from the living room.

"Uncle Viktor!" gasps Santi, recognising his voice. He runs through the living room doors and you follow.

It's more than Uncle Viktor. He, Klaus, Luther and Sloane sit on one of the sofas. Five is standing before them, clearly paused in the act of explaining something to them. On a blackboard beside him is an incomprehensible diagram drawn with coloured chalk. Arrows attach a crudely-drawn jerrycan to a complex machine upon which two bottles stand. The output of this first machine filters into one arrow, flowing into a box full of what looks like test tubes. SAMPLES is scrawled next to these. The arrow then follows on from a vertical tube (labelled HPLC) to a horizontal one, by which is scrawled something that looks like MESS SPECTOMENTATOR. Finally, the arrow leads to a box reading DETECTION/ANALYSIS.

When you enter, Five is still pointing his chalk at the 'mess spectomentator', but he hastily drops his arm. Santi receives quick hugs from all while you address the adults.

"Hey, you guys are here early." you turn to Five, "I didn't know Santi needed getting up."

"I've been busy."

"I can see that. Is this about the soda?"

He nods but doesn't elaborate. He looks at you and jerks his head a little. A dismissal: Once you're gone, I can continue.

His brothers and sister-in-law notice his attitude. You see Klaus look from you to him and Sloane shift uncomfortably. When you don't obey his looks, he says:

"Can you get Santi breakfast and walk him to the bus stop for me today?"

You know you're being dismissed, but you don't have to like it.

"Yeah." You say, stiffly, "Catch me up later, ok?"

"I'll tell you what's necessary." His tone makes it clear that this won't be much.

"Ok", you respond. You'd given him an out that allowed you to retain at least a little dignity in front of his siblings, (some sort of illusion of equality). You feel used. You're good enough to suck his dick but not to tell his plans? You feel absolutely no guilt in being passive aggressive now. Fuck him.

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