Chapter Seven: Alyssa

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In his blue pyjamas, Five silently makes coffee for you both and pours himself some cereal. When he sits across from you, placing the mug down in front of you, you give him a nod of thanks.

"I've been messaging Lila."

"Oh?" you ask, stiffly.

"Yeah. She thinks Santi should go see Alyssa. She put me in touch with her mom, Laci."

You take a bite of toast and watch him expectantly. He can continue an uphill battle making conversation as far as you're concerned. When you swallow, he looks like he expects you to respond, so you just take another bite. His mouth tightens a little, but he looks as if he's trying to be patient.

"She said tomorrow at around 11am would be best. Will you...come with us? I know you have work. I wouldn't ask, only..."

He peters out, expression inscrutable. You feel temptation to capitulate immediately, to offer to take the morning off without a second thought. You really do want to be there for Santi, but you don't want Five getting the idea you can just drop everything to be at his beck and call. You let his unfinished sentence hang in the air. When you don't immediately rush to his aid, he finishes:

"...we're both supposed to be watching Santi and I think it would be best for him."

His face from behind his coffee cup reminds you of his oil painting still hanging, all but forgotten in the house: assumed confidence hiding vulnerability. He sighs.

"...and because I need your help. I need to ask Laci about JUICED, only-"

You scoff, interrupting him.

"JUICED? Is this you trying to throw me a bone, Five? Make me feel included?"

He huffs. Head tossing a little.

"Forget it then."

"Oh, believe me, I will."

You pick up the coffee in one hand and your toast in the other and make as if to leave the kitchen. When you get to the bottom of the stairs, he calls your name. You don't return to him but your halted footsteps assure him of your ear.

"If you want the truth: I need you there. Dying kids, grieving mothers...hell, I don't know what to say; how to be."

You turn to stand in the doorway. He's leaned back in his chair, looking at you with entreaty now. There's a beat as your eyes meet. They beg in the way his lips won't. You maintain a little coolness as you reply:

"I'll have to move some meetings but I'll see what I can do."

It seemed Santi had still not really grasped the situation- he was just excited to have the morning off school to see the friend he was missing so much. He kicks the back of your seat periodically while drawing with colored pencils.

As he drives, Five sings along to Jerry Dyke on the car's tape deck, drumming one hand on the steering wheel, his elbow resting slightly out of the open window.

"Will the circle, be unbroken,

by and by lord, by and by..."

You watch him singing along with his eyes on the road. As his head begins to jive along too, you can't help but smile and suppress a laugh. He notices you looking and smiles back, half self-conscious, half suspicious.


"Nothing." And then, continuing to stare with your little smile still in place, "You're such a dork."

You keep the 'I love you' back, but you do. For better or worse. Probably worse.

He transfers his window-side hand to the wheel, and uses his other to give your knee a squeeze.

Before A Fall- Umbrella Academy FIVE X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now