Chapter Two

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"Hey there, Shooting Star." Quinn Neil teased when Mabel Pines opened the door. Their appearance placed a grin on the twin's face. Tugging them down to her level, Mabel kissed Quinn on the cheek. They returned the gesture with a lip to lip.

Flustered, Mabel elbowed Quinn in the stomach. Her partner gave her a teasing glare, muttering an 'ow' beneath their breath. Standing awkwardly behind the couple was Sage Knole, who held at least eight books in her arms. Before she could set her belongings down, Mabel embraced the girl who happened to be one year older.

"Mabel- you're smothering me." Sage managed to croak out, and the twin reluctantly pulled away. She adjusted her circular glasses before glancing around. "Where's Dipper?"

"Yeah about that..." Mabel started, thinking about her twin. Dipper had been pacing their bedroom back and forth for about three hours straight. It was seven AM now. Everytime she tried to ask him something he'd stop for a second, contemplate the question, and then go back to pacing. As if he was trying to determine if he should tell her what had happened or not and always deciding on the latter. It was almost stressful to watch. Not even Waddle's adorable stare could snap him out of it.

When Mabel brought their two friends to Dipper, nothing had changed. A pile of chewed up pens were littered across the floor, and he seemed as deep in a trance as before. Abruptly, Dipper came to a full stop and began to write quickly on a pad of paper before ripping it out of the notebook. He tucked the note in his pocket and finally brought his attention to the people around him.

Quinn gave Dipper a grin and Sage waved slightly. Mabel looked sheepish as her twin looked at her with a look that couldn't be described easily. Grabbing his sister's hand, Dipper pulled her a bit away from their friends.

"You called them over here?" Dipper whispered accusingly at his twin, trying to stare her down. He was trying not to freak out, but he didn't want to put anyone else at risk.

"Well... yes. They already know about, well, all that happened. So why not?" Mabel pointed out. Plus Sage can probably get some answers out of you, the twin added in her thoughts. She absentmindedly braided tiny bits of her newly chopped shoulder length brown hair as she waited for her brother's response.

"Yes, but telling them about it and bringing them to Oregon are two incredibly different things. It could be... y'know, dangerous." Dipper replied, beginning to chew on a new pen. A nasty habit he couldn't lose after all this time.

Mabel gave out a huff before saying, "Have you met our friends? You know they'd never forgive us if we went out on this super spectacular adventure without them." She gave her most pleading eyes she could muster.

Before he could reply to Mabel, Quinn cut Dipper off. "She's right, you know. Besides, we probably would've followed you guys if you sneaked out anyways. I think Sage can agree that we both want to see this infamous town." Quinn said without hesitation. Their dragon T-shirt under the denim jacket they wore seemed to be staring at Dipper.

When Sage nodded, Dipper let out a large sigh. Flopping onto a bean bag, he knew that he couldn't argue them out of this. Besides, maybe it would be good to have friends along. They hadn't been in Gravity Falls for years, what if everyone had forgotten about the Mystery Twins?

"Fine." Dipper said sharply, giving in. "But look- you need to give me the control here. If something bad happens- you gotta do what I say and get as far away as possible." The three people reluctantly agreed, but Dipper cut them off. "Give me your word."

Mabel and Quinn each put one of their hands behind their backs and wrapped their pointer fingers together. "Of course." They gave their word in sync, lying to the teen in front of them. Sage, seeing this, only rolled her eyes. Dipper didn't seem to notice though, he was too busy worrying.

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