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I haven't left my apartment in Days now And I'm not planning on it. I'd called Scott and I had taken off more time to take care of Grace.... Or so I told Scott, i really just wasn't ready to go out in the world again. Grace was sleeping on my chest happily i hadn't been able to sleep in days more then just the fact Grace had keeled me up everyday for the last week i knew when i went to sleep i would dream i would remember and that's something I don't want to do right now. I don't want the feeling to come back.
Along time a go I had thought I loved Bella back in middle school she was my bast friend before she had moved away then we just didn't see each other ever again. Till yesterday that is. I think of the last time I saw her it feels like 100 years and a Day ago now

Some years a go
"I don't want you to go!", I grab Bella's small hand in my bigger one holding it tight,
" I'm sorry Nicky I have to my mom got a new job in California we have to move, she looked up at me with big tears in her big Brown eyes, I'm sorry Nicky " I feel my heart stop beating for a minute before it starts pounding in my chest. Bella is my best friend and the only person in the world I trust... The only person I have ever loved.
I look at her carefully hoping this is just a joke waiting for her to smiles at me and say got u didn't i?. But that didn't happen instead she hugged me tight burying her face in my chest letting out a loud saab . I wrap my arms around her small frame tight resting my chin on top of her head holding my own tears in not wanting her to get even more upset. I think of telling her how I feel how much I love her... But that might only hurt her more.... and me to. Bella probably doesn't feel the same way. She's the prettiest girl in our school she could easy go with any guy she wanted. I feel her breathing even out a few minutes later. She looks up at me. Her cheeks wet from her tears and eyes red. She reaches up and touches my cheek warping away a tear I hadn't realized I had let fall. We just look at each other for a few minutes. Before I think of something to say I watched her carefully before I speak "when do you leave?" My voice Trimbles  I try and keep it from doing that but it does. She staped back looking at me "tomorrow" she bites her lip "tomorrow?, I ask looking at her " how long have you known about this?"
"About a week" she says looking back down "A WEEK!" I yell How could she keep this from me?. "Nicky I'm sorry, I didn't want to tell you" she whispers . how am I going to go on without her?. She's the only reason I even go to school anymore the only reason I haven't ran away from that nightmare I call home. I finally say something something I know is the biggest wish of my life so far "I don't want you to go " i whisper.

End flashback
I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up Grace is chowing on her toes. She had somehow rolled over and was using me as a bed. I set up carefully so I don't Drop her. I get up walking to the kitchen I put Grace in her High chair. And get her a Bottle of milk. I hear my phone go off just as I put her Bottle down. I look over at it biting my lip. What could it be? I think. I give Grace her Bottle walking over to my phone clacking it on. One new follower
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I look at my phone in disbelief


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Megan Rose Roach 2015

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