Request: Cramps and tea (Losleit)

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Thanks to @UniTheAxolotl for requesting this

Logan's P.O.V

I sat there at my desk, typing stuff into my computer and writing stuff into my notebook, studying for an upcoming test, a science test to be exact, sometimes I had trouble with science and other subjects but I would always figure it out. Wish I knew how to figure out my one problem as of right now though. Cramps, they are the worst and I absolutely hate them but I have to deal with them, there's no way of completely getting rid of them, no matter how many Tylenol or Midol I take, it never fully stops, I'm trying to push through them though, hopefully they will go away...

Remy's P.O.V

I sat on the couch while my girlfriend, Janus, was making tea for me, her, and our boyfriend, Logan. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Logan for a while "Babe! Where's Logie Bear?!" I asked my girlfriend whos in the kitchen, still making tea, managing to maneuver myself so I can look over the back of the couch without breaking my neck. I watched as my girlfriend turn around and look at me, her bangs falling just right, framing her face like it was the most beautiful painting in the world.. but anygays I still needed an answer "uuhh. He's in his room studying, remember?' she replied back, going back to making the tea "oh.. he hasn't come out of his room for a while... I'm going to go and check on him" I said as I got up off the couch, seeming to have gotten up to fast, almost falling over in the process "shit.. " I curse to myself as I start heading towards the stairs and upstairs

Logan's P.O.V

I sat there, my hand on my lower stomach, massaging the area, trying to ease the pain of my cramping as I continued to study. Soon I heard a knock on my door "Come in!" I say to whoever is behind the door. The door opens to reveal Remy, my gorgeous partner "hey rem, do you need something baby?' I ask, curious "Nah, just came to check up on you babes" I think it might have noticed me rubbing my lower stomach area as a concerned look started to form on its face "you okay babes?" It asked me, I nodded "just cramps, don't worry about me" I said to It, smiling a bit. It came over to me, getting down on Its knees, shooing my hand away from my stomach, starting to make the same motions that I were making "Starshine, I love you, but you don't have to do it for me" I said, a soft smile gracing my lips.

Remy's P.O.V

"Starshine, I love you, but you don't have to do it for me" I heard my boyfriend say, ignoring it "take a break from studying moon" I said as I continued to rub where his cramps were "No, I have to continue to study, I'm not done yet, I promise I will be soon" he said to me. I shook my head, getting up, shooing his hands away from his laptop, saving his notes on his laptop the shutting it "Your going to lay in our bed and rest while I go see if Janus is finished with making our sleepy time tea, love you moon" I said, giving him a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room and going downstairs.

Janus's P.O.V

As I finished adding some milk to the last cup of tea I heard loud and quick foot steps coming down the stairs, looking over to see Remy, my lovely partner "what's with the rush darling?' I asked as It came over to me "Logan's cramping, hurry and come cuddle with us to make him feel better" It said before trying to run off again before I interrupt him "Remy, will you please help me carry the cups of tea?" I asked, nodding toward the cup that was still on the counter "oh yeah, sorry about that" It said before grabbing the cup and the small container full of sugar just incase "not c'mon, moon is all alone" I looked at him "I've never heard you call him moon before" I said before walking towards the stairs "oh, its just a new cute nickname I gave him, it fits him don't it" It said, smiling a bit, following me up the stairs. I nodded "it does fit him and it is really cute". Once we got to the door of out shared room I pushed it open with my foot going in, looking over to Logan who was laying on the bed with a heating pad on his lower stomach "Hey baby.. doing any better?" I said as I watched him turn his attention towards us "I'M a bit sick to my stomach but my cramping has died down a bit... " Logan said, starting to make grabby hands towards his girlfriend and significant other.

Logan's P.O.V

I laid there as my significant other and girlfriend started to make their way towards me and the bed. I sat up as they put the cups and sugar down, sitting with me as well "can you hand me my tea?" I asked, being a bit thirsty. Janus handed me my tea, smiling as he did so. They had both sat down with me as we all started to drink our cups of tea's as we talked about all of our days "how was your studying going before you started to get your cramps?" Janus asked me while he held one of mine and Remy's hands "It was good, I was about done before Remy interrupted me though, at least he made sure my notes were saved in my laptop" I said, smiling a bit at my baby's "I love you guys.. and I love when you two try to take care of me" I said, leaning back a bit so my back would be against Remy's chest "Aww, we love you too" Remy said to be, petting my hair a bit "And we like taking care of you" Janus said, smiling at the both of us "I'm tired... " I looked up at my girlfriend and partner, smiling a bit "Then take a nap baby, we'll be here when you wake up, we promise" Janus said, Remy nodding his head in agreement. I said one last thing before I closed my eyes to go to sleep

"I'm lucky to have you guys"


words: 1,093

my fingers don't hurts surprisingly but I hope you all enjoyed this one shot


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