Like a moth to a lamp

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Omg I've disappeared again 🥵🙄. Sorry it's been almost two months but I've been struggling and i wrote half of this in a tent.

The night before-

"Get out"

"What?" Michelle remarked, Rose had pushed Michelle away and would no longer look her in the eye.

"Get out" this time she became more stern

Michelle gasped in disbelief and got to her feet "you can't be serious" she placed a hand on her head "after all that slut has done to you, she's using you can't you see it!"

"You've been twisting my mind from the moment you got here, I barely know who you are. You're the only slut around here" Rose got up now too. The apartment was dark and a small glimmer of the busy street lights below could be seen projecting its patterns through the glass.

Fleeing to the door, Rose walked over to the phone.

"I didn't even want you anyway! It would have just been a pity fuck." Michelle stormed after Rose like an upset toddler

Rose reached for the phone to dial security. Michelle, who was taller, pulled it from her hands.

"You are drunk, now leave!" Rose tried not to panic but remained angry at the situation she had gotten herself in. Rose thought it was all her fault and some where deep down she maybe wondered if she deserved this hurt.

Rose backed away bit Michelle only got closer in return.

Now she was backed against the kitchen counter with no where to turn, the phone was off the hook and it sounded into the eerily quiet apartment.

Now panicking, Rose lent back and placed her hand atop the counter,

She realised there was an object under her hand.

It was the wine bottle opener.

Without thinking, Rose held it up in front of her face. The sharp end of the corkscrew shone in the kitchen light, the wine left upon its cold metal looking far too much like blood.

However, Rose was tired, she wouldn't be able to keep it up much longer. Which was why when she heard the door open she could finally draw in a long breath.

A tall dark man, brandishing a security badge burst through the door and grabbed Michelle by the wrist.

With fatigue, Rose dropped the bottle opener onto the counter where it once lay and placed a hand on her rapidly beating chest.

Confused and dazed, she looked up at security. "How did you kn-"

"The phone was off the hook so I came to see if anything was wrong"


Michelle struggled wildly in his big arms.

"You bit-!" She attempted to scream, the door slammed shut as they left rather un-peacefully.

Rose was now wondering dazed through the dark streets of New York, holding the front of her coat together as she hadn't time to button it. Her scarf blew wildly in the cold wind.

'All I have to do is get to her apartment' she thought, it mattered not how bitter cold and mean the night was on these streets but she would get there. Nothing could matter more.

She spilled into the warm foyer of sage's apartment complex like a moth arriving at its golden lamp, drawn to comfort and home.

"She's not in" said the man at the front desk. His name was frank, middleaged and  balding (I confess like most white men). He looked confused at Rose's being there.

Bleach Red (Rose Weil x oc) Where stories live. Discover now