Will ~ Mike

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Cg! Will
Little! Mike

Recently, Mike has been having accidents while he was asleep and sometimes while he was just playing. He hated the feeling of the bodily fluid between his legs. He couldn't control it when he was sleeping or when he was little. It was so embarrassing when he wet himself. Especially when he was around his caregiver.

Will wanted to help, and soon he found a solution but he knew Mike would surely disagree with him. He had went to the store and bought pull ups for his little to try. He invited Mike over to his place for the weekend since Jonathan and Joyce were both not going to be home.

Mike rode his bike over and when he got there Will immediately opened the door and hugged him. "Come on, I have a surprise for you!" Will exclaimed with a grin. "Really?" Mike asked with a growing smile. He liked surprises very much and they were always exciting.

Will sat Mike on his bed and stood in front of him. "So, you know how you've been having accidents lately right?" Mikes smile dropped and he turned slightly red out of embarrassment and looked away. "Uh..yeah" he said fiddling with his fingers.

"Well.." Will started as he went to his closet, opening it and getting a pack of something that he hid behind his back so Mike couldn't see yet. He walked back over with a huge smile and showed Mike the package. "I got you pull-ups to help with that!"

Mike stares at the package for a bit with a blank expression before he took the package out of Wills hands and threw it in his garage bin. "No." Was all he said. "Mikey! That wasn't nice." Will said as he grabbed the package again and placed it beside Mike on the bed.

"I dont care, theres no way in hell i'm wearing those! They're for babies!" He yelled as he stood up and crossed his arms. "Mike, please! Then you won't be soaked in piss all the time! Would you rather that than using a pull up and being all clean?"

"Yes, actually I would rather that! Im never wearing those in my entire life!" He said as he stormed out of Wills room and sat on the couch searching to find something on the tv. Will sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

He walked out of his room joining Mike on the couch. They sat in silence for a bit while the regressor still searched for a movie. Will then snatched the remote from Mike and put on one of his favourite kids shows when he was little hoping he would regress.

Which the other got up and turned the tv off looking back at the older boy. "I dont want to regress right now." He said as he glared at the boy. Will got up and went over to Mike as he picked him up and set him on his hip and slightly bounced him while the regressor squirmed.

"Why dont you want to be small Mikey?" He asked in a soft tone. "Put me down Will!" Mike yelled as he smacked Wills shoulder. Will dramatically gasped, "Mikey, that hurt! I think you should apologize." He said still in a sweet but stern voice.

Mikes eyes watered as he started to feel a slightly fuzzy feeling. "Will just put me down!" He said as he squirmed again. "Love, stop squirming." He didn't listen and just hit the older boys shoulder again. "Mikey you know we don't hit, you're going in time out for 5 minutes."

Mike broke and he fully slipped. He hugged Will and hid his face in his neck. " 'm sorry dada! no timeout!" he cried. "Its alright sweetheart, why didn't you wanna be little?" He asked as he rocked the little.

"I no wanna be wet.." he whimpered. "Hunny you don't have to be wet if you wear a pull up." "No! I no baby!" He yelled. "Love, don't yell, especially in dadas ear. Do you just wanna watch a movie then?" He asked.

The little nodded and Will sat down on the couch with Mike in his lap. He turned the tv back on and put a kid friendly movie. A little into the movie Mike started to feel the need to go to the bathroom. He held his legs closely to hold it a little bit longer as he still wanted to watch the movie.

But that didn't work. A few seconds later he felt a slight wetness between his legs and got up and rushed to the bathroom. He sat on the floor and cried as his pants got more and more wet. After a bit he heard knocking. "Mikey whats wrong love?"

The little just continued to cry, not answering the older. The doorknob turned and Will peeked in seeing the little in soaking wet pants. "Oh Mikey, come on love, let's get you out of these icky clothes." He said as he held his hand out for the boy.

The little took his hand and Will lead him to his room and got out a pair of pants out of the boys bag he brought. "Mike are you sure you don't wanna at least try the pull ups?" He asked.

"No! No! No!" He said stomping his foot and sniffling. "Fine, fine." Will sighed. He changed the boy and they went back to the living room. They played and watched tv for a while but then came bedtime.

Will got himself and the little ready for bed. Mike was about to lay on the bed when Will stopped him. "Love, unless you wear a pull up I want you to sleep on the floor." Mike looked at him with some hurt in his eyes.

"But dada...cuddles! Da floor is cold and icky!" He said as his eyes teared up. "Then can you please wear a pull up so that we can cuddle? I dont want you having another accident Mikey."

The little sniffled and thought about it for a few seconds before crossing his arms and huffing. "Fine.." he whispered. Will smiled and got a pull up out of the package and changed Mike into it.

They finally laid down and Will reached over to the side table and grabbed Mikes pacifier putting it between Mikes lips. Said little cuddled up to his caregiver and slowly fell asleep. And soon after Will did the same.

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