Surprise, return to Disneyland

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Jasmine, sitting on the sofa in the living room, was breastfeeding Aaliyah while Leïla, Naël, Sherine and Lïana played happily in the garden with Lady and the puppies

Dally was away, with his Jasmine they had prepared a surprise for their children

Jasmine tenderly hummed a lullaby in Arabic to her daughter as she suckled and gazed at her with her big black eyes

"My little angel, I'm home !" Said Dally happily, entering the house and happily heading for the living room

"Hey my love" Smiled Jasmine tenderly

Dally tenderly kissed his wife on the forehead, tenderly stroking her beautiful black hair, before kissing her tenderly and lovingly, burying his tongue in her mouth

Jasmine smiled tenderly into the kiss

"My little angel I have what we talked about" Whispered Dally tenderly against his Jasmine's lips, tenderly stroking her beautiful black hair and sitting down next to her on the edge of the sofa

Jasmine smiled tenderly

"Awesome !" Jasmine tenderly cradled her head in her husband's neck as he put an arm around her hips and gently stroked Aaliyah on the cheek with his finger

"She is so beautiful our daughter" Whispered Dally tenderly

Smiling tenderly, Jasmine nodded tenderly

"Like her mommy" Whispered Dally tenderly, kissing Jasmine tenderly on the head

Jasmine tenderly gazed at Dally

"Like her daddy too"

Dally smiled fondly, tenderly stroking his wife's beautiful black hair, before stealing her a tender kiss

"I love you my Jasmine, my sweet little angel

- I love you too my Dallas"

Finally a few minutes later, Aaliyah had finished eating and fell asleep in Jasmine's arms

"You come my beauty, we are going to surprise our children"

Jasmine nodded happily and Dally tenderly intertwined their fingers together before tenderly kissing her and tenderly leading her into the garden

Jasmine was still holding Aaliyah tenderly in her arms

When they got to the porch, Dally called out to his children

"Leïla, Naël, Sherine, Lïana, come here my loves"

The twins, Sherine and Lïana listened to their father and ran to their parents

"My loves, with your mommy, we have something to tell you

- What ?" Asked happily and curiously Leïla, Naël, Sherine and Lïana

Dally and Jasmine looked at each other smiling before looking back at their children

"Next Saturday we're all going to Disneyland

An Outsider's Love Story ~ Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now