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(Y/n P.O.V)

I feel myself fall as I wait to hit the ground. But instead someone caught me. I didn't dare to look as I tried to remember what happened the previous night. I remember hearing something and walking towards it but tripped. I remember seeing someone. Suddenly I got the courage to look to see who caught me. I look up to see Aiden staring at me. Aiden..?

"AIDEN!?" I yell out. I pushed myself off in shocked. I look around and I see the girl named Ashlyn. She looks at me suspicious. I don't blame her. She must've thought no one else but her and Aiden were here...wait is it just them here?

"I think we might wanna go back to the camp." Chris tells us. I nod and get up. Aiden and Ashlyn look confused.

"Camp?" Ashlyn asks us.

"We found a abandon camp. So you coming or what?" Chris asks and I look at Aiden with pleading eyes.

"If it means there's more of us to survive than why not?" Ashlyn says and Aiden nods.

"Well, come on. We need to head back." Chris tells us and we start to follow him. We all kept silent the whole time. Well we were silent until Cale and two people I didn't recognize ran towards us.

"Y/n! Chris! There's other people!" Cale yells out. Chris and I just nod.

"Yeah we found that out. But now that your here that means your still alive. Now can we please head to the camp." Chris says. We nod and start walking towards the camp. I start to hear whispering behind me so I listen in.

"Are you sure we can trust them?" A male voice asks suspicious. It must be the male twin or something.

"It would be wise." Ashlyn starts to say. "Plus it means extra help to survive." I smile a bit. At least someone trusts us.

"I agree." Aiden says. Oddly I get the same weird feeling in my body. Cale just looks at me than winks. I laugh a small bit. I notice that we are close to the camp and already I see Alex, James, Peri, and two others there. I smile in relief that everyone's safe. But maybe not everyone since I don't know how many of the other people there are.

"Heyo James!" Cale yells out. I can see the small blush on his face. I feel like Cale has maybe a small crush on James. I nod in approval. They would be a good couple.

"Logan! Ben!" The female twin yells out as he runs to him. Aiden, Ashlyn, and the male twin run to the other two. I recognize one has Ben. He was sitting next to Aiden on the bus. I look to see Alex and Chris talking to each other. Cale and James are talking to each other. Peri just stands by me.

"How many other people do you think are in this world?" Peri asks me. I take a moment to think.

"No clue." I reply. I seriously had no clue. Maybe one day I'll find that out.

"Do you still want me to draw Aiden as a pretty fairy?" Peri asks me and I burst out laughing.

"HELL YES!" I yell while still laughing. The other group looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Don't worry. He's just crazy." Alex tells the other group and I glare at him.

"SHUT UP. YOU HAVE NO HOES!" I yell at him as I flip him off. He returns the favor by flipping me off. I stick out my tongue.

"Enough children. We don't want to scare away the new people." Chris tells us. Me and Alex flip Chris off in return. We all started laughing and so did some of the new people. I look at Aiden and I weirdly remember what James said.

'Did you fall in love with someone?'

Why did that question appear in my head again. I look at Aiden and I wondered. Is love at first sight possible? It can't be. Aiden than turns to look at me. I look away and my cheeks feel hot.

"What is happening to me..?" I say under my breath. I then realized....

I was in love with Aiden.

(??? P.O.V)

I stare at the group for a minute. It was against the rules to get attached to your assigned group. But maybe this one time or maybe the next few times. I'll break the rules. I'll make sure they live. I smile at the thought of them having happy after ever. Suddenly my door opens. I turn to see my sister.

"Lucy..? What are you doing?" I ask her. She stares at me.

"I want to help you." She says. For a second I worry that she found out that I cared for my group.

"With what?" I ask her. Hopefully its something else.

"With helping your group survive." She tells me. The whole world suddenly feels like it froze.
"I'm back from my break. It was a short break I know, but I found the time to do this. Also any guesses to ??? name?"

Graveyard. (Aiden x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now