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Y/n P.O.V

We start to wander the bus graveyard in a bit of disappointment. We both had hoped that the bus graveyard would of had a demon or a phantom. But it's only busses.

"Should we try to summon something?" Peri asks me. They look a bit tired as they continue to walk.

"We might just want to go home for now. Cause we might need a plan if it goes wrong." I respond. But in all reality I just want sleep.

"Yea. Let's go home." Peri tells me. And just like that we both start heading home. We both have no idea what time it is. Nor do we know if the phantom is still there. Maybe we should be running but we are tired.

I started to fell worried tho. Me and Peri never usually get tired at night..maybe that phantom earlier worn us out. Yea that's what happened. I occasionally glance at Peri making sure they didn't pass out. We remain silent for the reminder of the way home.

Finally we make it home and of course we check the time after we make sure the door is locked. The time is 11:37 and we both decide to go to our room till we get sent back into hell. I kiss Peri's head before they go to there room cause Peri's older brother used to do that but he isn't around anymore. So I decided to be Peri's older brother since why not?

I go to my room and immediately fall on my bed. I then started to wait. What was I don't yesterday? I was checking out an alley after finding a phantom there. Now that I think about it. Why was the phantom there? Was someone else there? Maybe other people did get dragged in. I wonder who they lost to get dragged in.

But the real question is. Do phantoms have genders? Or all phantom female? Maybe their all male? Could that mean phantoms are gay? I seriously need answers. Maybe Aiden would know. Wait why am I thinking about Aiden again? Why does he always appear in my head?

Could this be what James calls love? No it can't be. I just meet Aiden. I couldn't be in love with him. Love in first sight is just a illusion. You have to get to know the person before you actually can say your in love. Plus let's say I am in love with Aiden, which I'm not, why would he love me anyways? My own mother doesn't even love me. So why would he?

I can't deal with these things. I can't. I will never deal with love ever again. Maybe I should stop thinking about this. What time is it? I look up and the time is 11:56. Four more minutes. I can make it four more minutes. After all I am the amazing Y/n!

I can do anything...huh it seems like I'm falling asleep. Hopefully I'll get a dream. Maybe a good one?

'Y/n watch me do a cool trick please!'

'Y/n can you please get that for me. You know I have old man back.'

'Y/n would you like to read with me? I found a book you might like. And I think you will since I am you mother'

'Y/n do you want to play dolls with me?'

'Y/n can you help me with the lawn?'

'Y/n what would you want to do today?"

"Y/n can we please get ice cream? Please..?'

'Y/n do you want to learn how to use a knife and parkour?'

'Y/n what is you favorite flower? I'll go get you some.'

"Y/n, have you ever wished you could travel back in time to save them?" A voice asks me.

"I used to. But I don't anymore cause now they rest in piece." I respond.

"You have a kind soul." The voice tells me but I disagree.

(??? P.O.V)

Everything is still the same with the group. In about 2 minutes they will be back to where they were the night before.

"Hello brother. How's it holding up with your group?" My older brother asks me. I turn around to see which brother.

"Hello Alan...would you like to know who's in my group?" I ask him. I never had a good relationship with Alan.

"Sure. Tell me." Alan response scares me a bit.

"We'll there's Y/n, Alex, Cale, Chris, James, and Peri." I tell him. I hope I don't regret this.

"James and Peri you say..? Hm..thanks for telling me. I'll be back in a bit." Alan tells me as he leaves the room. So he knows James and Peri..I hope he doesn't kill them.
"I have come with an announcement. I will be writing another story. But you won't be able to read it still I'm done with chapter ten cause the chapters with update by tens. Also any guesses to ??? name and why Alan acted that way?"

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