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I'd like to say. I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD!

Y/N P.O.V (And timeskip to two weeks later.)

I was hiding in the Janitors closet with Peri and Cale. I've been doing this for the past two weeks. I refuse to look at Aiden ever again. He doesn't need to know about these feelings. I don't understand!? How did I fall in love with him!? I had known him for a few hours then BOOM! I'm in love with him! Love doesn't work like that. I refuse to fall in love that quickly. After all, I am the might Y/n-

"Your lost in space again." Cale says breaking my focus. I glare at him.

"And you were probably thinking about kissing James, am I right?" I ask him. He glares back. And for no reason we start a staring contest. Unfortunately......

He lost. I jump up and laugh at him as he pouts. After a bit of time my laughter calms down. Suddenly Peri jumps up.

"I did it!" He smiles and then shows me the drawing. It was Chris as a pretty princess. He shows Cale and Cale burst out laughing. I did too. This was some of the more peaceful moments we had. I smile but quickly frown a bit. Any day one of us could die. I just can't handle that day ever coming.

"Hey Y/n. We should be leaving soon. Class is nearly over." Peri tells me. I nod. I know James will give us a copy of the notes later. And if he doesn't...never mind that. I decide it'd be a great idea to play rock paper scissors with these people. After a few rounds of Rock Paper Scissors the bell rings. Cale open the door and we walk out and start to run towards the exit.

Just for a second I thought I saw Aiden but I brushed it off thinking I was seeing things. Me and Peri decided that we should race home instead of taking the bus. Plus it would be and extra route to safety in the phantom world. We ran as fast as Zenitsu when he's sleeping. At some point I ran into a trash can and the race had to be canceled till I was recovered.

In the end we made it home and we were fine. But something felt off. I could tell Peri felt it too. I hated feelings like this so I decided that buff pancakes would make it go away. I dragged Peri to the kitchen and we started to make the buff waffles.

"Hey shouldn't Chris be home by now?" Peri asks. I look at the time. It read 6:57. I nod my head. He should be here by now...what if something bad happened to him!? I know I piss him off but that doesn't mean I don't care! "Wait..He just texted me saying 'Be home late. Helping Cale with homework'." Peri tells me. I sigh in relief. At least he's safe and sound.

"That's good. Cause another ten seconds and I would of called the police." I joked hoping it would lighten up the mood. Luckily it did. About ten minutes later and all the buff waffles were done. Me and Peri made sure to clean up the evidence that we ever were baking something in the kitchen. Ya know, since we aren't aloud to.

I smiled happily and Peri did too but the feeling didn't go away. Something bad was about to happen. I know it and Peri does too. I just hope that it isn't as bad as we think it's gonna be. But something tells me that what I'm hoping for won't happen...

Cale's P.O.V (back when school just ended)

I got on the bus and sat next to James. He smiled and gave me my notes telling me I owe him one. I nod my head. Suddenly I got a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see who and I'm met with Ashlyn.

"Hey can I talk to you?" She asks me. I nod my head he she sits back where she was and patted the seat next to her. I left James side to go see what she needed. "Do you know why Y/n is avoiding Aiden?" She asks me. This is when I noticed Aiden eavesdropping. Luckily I caught him or he would of found out the real reason.

"He's just taking some time to process what's happening. He's shocked to know that other people have survived and he scared of what could possibly happen." I tell her. I told he the half truth. Y/n isn't shocked that other people have survived. He's afraid of love. He doesn't know what to do. Just like how I reacted when I found out I was in love with James. Not like I can say that.

Ashlyn nods her head in understanding and I go back to my original seating next to James. "What did you guys talk about?" He asked but something felt off. Was he jealous? Was he in love with Ashlyn? That hurt my heart thinking about that. I told him about how she asked about Y/n. He just nods and looks away.

"Hey Cale." I hear Chris say. "Do you still need my help with the homework?" He asks and I'm dumbfounded. I never asked for his help. Then I realized. He wants to talk about something.

"Umm..Yea I do." I say hesitantly. James gives us I look but I ignore it. I just hope this isn't something bad.

(??? P.O.V)

I am a sad lonely man in a closet. Hiding from my sister. Oh the pain. I hope nothing goes wrong. Hehehe.

I'm back and alive. Now take this chapter and make guesses on what will happen. Also any guesses on ???'s name?

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