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Y/n's POV

Walking out of the school I sigh. I am tired as hell. I barely had the energy to go through math. Cause that teacher be calling on me to answer all the the damn answers. Like damn. I slump into the bus seat praying that I can go to sleep when an idea hits me. I look over to Peri and they look at me.

"What?" They ask me. I ask them for Izzy's number. They hand it over and I just spam text her. She tells me to fuck off and I do just that. I'm now just getting bored and I now have a burst of energy. What should I do? Should I ask Aiden to do something with me? Like....wait. WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT HIM. THAT FAIRY ALIEN PHANTOM HANDSOME BITCH.

Wait! I could use this opportunity to get close with him. Not like I like him. It's just. I want to get to know him and his friends before we all die. I look over the seat and stare at Aiden. Ben has a questioning look on his face while Aiden has a smile on his. "Hey Aiden! You free this weekend?" I ask him. He nods. "So wanna explore random places with me? I know quiet a few places we can explore!" I really hope I'm not giving away anything.

"Sure! Sounds like a great idea. Where should we meet?" He asks me. I think for a moment before Peri taps me on my leg. I look over and they're holding a note saying 'the bus graveyard'. Smart idea. This is why Peri has A's and B's.

"The bus graveyard? It's a place we both know and we both know how to get there. Not sure about you but I know how to get there." We agreed on the graveyard and I couldn't stop smiling! I get to hang out with Aiden!

Cale's POV

"Why can't they date already?" I ask James. He shrugs. I really don't get it. They clearly like each other! I mean not like I'm any better. Like seriously look at me. I can't even confess to the boy that I've been in love with for the past two years! So I'm no better. Maybe Chris can help them. Cause I for sure can't.

"Hey you free this weekend?" James asks me. Huh? Why is asking me? Does he want to see what happens between Y/n and Aiden or something? Not like I'm opposed to that. It would be interesting.

"Yeah, why?" Maybe we could get popcorn and share it! Ooo! That sounds romantic. Maybe I could get closer to James? Nah. He'd probably be focused on the romance between Y/n and Aiden.

"I was thinking. Would you like to go see this cat cafe in town? I heard it was good. Well that's what Peri said but still." A cat cafe? I didn't know James loved cats.

"Why ask me? I mean wouldn't you take Peri?" I ask him.

"Peri sleeps all day on the weekends plus I thought you would like it cause I remember that you said you love cats." He remembers that I like cats. I told him that a while ago? How does he still remember? You know what? I'm not going to question it. I'll just enjoy spending time with him.

???'s POV

Bro love is in the air. Two couples getting closer and one still hating each other. Wow. Honestly I'm not sad. As a aromatic. I can't really relate so yeah. I'll just watch the drama.

So I've been gone for a while. Thanks LocalSleepTheif for reminding me. I forgot to post this a month ago- sorry about that.

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