Just The First Part Of Her Plan

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"Ughhh.. I'm bored..!!" Lightbulb sighed, "Well, what do you suggest we do then?" Fan asked, "Hmm..  I dunno.. Paintbrush! Do you have any ideas?" Lightbulb excitedly questioned. "Well, a new Ice cream place just opened up a couple blocks a way, maybe we could go check it out." Paintbrush replied to Lightbulb's question with. Lightbulb then gasped at the idea, "Thats a great idea!! What do you think, Flatface and Testy?!" Lightbulb said. "Hmm.. Sure! I don't see why not" Fan said in reply. "You guys can go, but I have.. stuff like experiments and stuff that I have to do.. go without me..!" Test Tube claimed. The group had looked a bit disappointed, finally somebody said something. "Aww.. okay..!" Lightbulb murmured. Fan then had decided to ask Test Tube if she wanted them to bring her something back from the ice cream shop, receiving a no thanks as the answer.

The 3 bright lights got ready to leave and Fan turned on his GPS to the location of the ice cream shop. Lightbulb, Paintbrush, And Fan then decided it would be a great idea to ask anybody else in Hotel OJ if they wanted to come along to the ice cream shop. They all then scurried out of the room, down to the lobby. Test Tube then noticed that Fan left his phone in the room on the ground, Test Tube went over to the phone and noticed it was unlocked. She had then realized this was an opportunity to gain some test subjects for her experiments.

She went to the GPS app and changed the destination location from the ice cream shop to an abandoned building that had used to be a movie theater. She quickly turned off the phone, and went back to the desk pretending that nothing had happened and that she never ever realized he left it.

Fan and the others then had ran back into the room that belonged to him and Paintbrush. "So, did anybody else want to go with you three?" Test Tube asked, "Well the Cherries and Yin-Yang wanted to go, but they got in trouble with OJ for breaking a window, so they have to fix it. So they can't go." Lightbulb disclosed. "Oh, okay." Test Tube said quietly in an annoyed tone that the others did not seem to notice. "We also came back to grab my phone, because we need it so we can look at the GPS!!" Fan told Test Tube. "Cool! Don't have too much fun without me!" Test Tube said a bit eagerly and jokingly as well. "We will!" Paintbrush told her.

Paintbrush, Lightbulb, And Fan then left the hotel and started walking to the shop. "So, what flavors are you guys going to get? I'll get sherbet!!" Lightbulb excitedly announced, "Hm.. I'll get strawberry I think.." Paintbrush replied with. "I'll get cookie dough or something like that, probably!" Fan said happily. "OMGA!! Great choices!!!" Lightbulb squealed. They all continued to walk to their destination, when they had gotten there, they all noticed it was a forsaken building. "Woah!! This is way better than an ice cream shop!" Lightbulb eagerly cheered. "We should go.." Paintbrush told them both. "Whattt, Painty!! This is so cool!! We can't just GO home, that'd be boring..!" Lightbulb declared. "I agree, this is pretty cool, Paintbrush..!!" Fan added. "Two against one!!!" Lightbulb yelled. "Ugh.. fine." Paintbrush said annoyed.

When they walked in, they noticed the scent of sleeping gas in the air, which that had caused all of them to collapse into sleep. Once they were all out cold, Test Tube went over to them, putting all 3 of their bodies into a bright red wagon. Test Tube left through the back alleyway, taking them to her lab, and tied all of the three to some wooden chairs with some rope.

It took about two hours for all of them to wake up.

"Ah.. your finally ALL awake!!" Test Tube said sinisterly to the three bright lights


Word Count: 646 Words

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