Plan: Begun

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Paintbrush was in shock and terrified by Test Tube's sinister revelation. Their heart was pounding and their mind was screaming. How did they even get here? What was happening? The other two seemed just as scared, but Paintbrush was the most vocal about it.

Their eyes widened as Test Tube spoke, her evil grin making them feel even more anxious. They wanted to run, to escape, but it felt like their feet were stuck to the ground. Test Tube continued her explanation, her voice sounding almost like a whisper.

"You have been chosen for a special experiment. I need to study the differences between you three, and you all fit the criteria perfectly. You all have such unique characteristics that I need to explore further." She paused, her eyes locking with Paintbrush's. "Do not worry, you will be safe and no harm will come to you. Now, let us begin..."

Lightbulb's eyes widened in shock, her mouth opened in a silent gasp. Tears began to well up in her eyes, blurring her vision. Her body trembled as she tried to process what had just happened.

Fan was beginning to hyperventilate, his breathing coming in short and shallow gasps. Tears streamed down his frightened face, his eyes wide and full of fear. His hands were shaking as he tried to make sense of the situation.

Paintbrush continued to shout at Test Tube, their face twisted in rage. Tears streamed down their face, dripping onto the floor. They seemed determined to make Test Tube understand the gravity of the situation, but the words just wouldn't come out right.

Test Tube grabbed her electric green switchblade, her fingers wrapping around the handle with a firm grip. She then brought it up to Paintbrush's face, pressing the tip of the blade against their skin. Paintbrush's eyes widened in fear as Test Tube slowly dragged the blade across their face, leaving behind a thin, red line. She dragged the blade down their neck, carving a deep scar into Paintbrush. The blood from the wound dripped down onto their arm, staining it a deep red.

Test Tube then turned her attention to Fan and Lightbulb, who were both screaming and panicking. She shouted at them, her voice filled with anger. "BE QUIET, YOU IDIOTS!!! I DON'T CARE HOW YOU FEEL. I NEVER HAVE, AND I NEVER WILL!!!" Her words seemed to echo in the room, the sound of her voice reverberating off the walls.

Lightbulb and Fan both fell silent, their eyes wide with fear. They had never seen Test Tube so angry before, and they were both terrified of her. They could feel the anger radiating off of her, and they knew that if they said anything, she would lash out at them again.

Lightbulb began sobbing when she saw the unconscious Paintbrush bleeding out from their newfound scars.

Test Tube quickly noticed the blood draining from Paintbrushes face. Since Paintbrush was bleeding out super quick, Test Tube decided to put bandages on them, because, was she REALLY Ready to lose one of her sacred experiments..?

Once that was over, Test Tube turned to Lightbulb and Fan, who a scared expressions covered on both of their faces.

Test Tube decided to ignore them both, because she was not sure how to injure Lightbulb OR Fan yet.

Test Tube then decided to drag Paintbrushes knocked out body to a dark, empty room. The only thing in there was a broken mirror, a locked up cabinet, and a wooden stool that seemed to be broken as well as the mirror. Deciding to toss Paintbrush into the hard, cold ground. After that, Test Tube then went back into the room to get Fan, dragging and tugging him by his hair, into the room. She then threw him onto the ground as well.

Test Tube had just then remembered that Fan still had his phone, so, she took it out of his satchel and put it in her lab coats pocket.

Test Tube had not known what to do with Fan in that moment, but then, some duct-tape had caught her eye, and she had grabbed it from the table that was slightly outside of the door. She took a large piece of the tape, wrapping it around his mouth, so he couldn't speak, for now. Test Tube had a feeling that when Paintbrush would arise from their insensible state, that they would rip the duct-tape right off of Fans mouth, though, Test Tube didn't really give a fuck.

A mischievous grin had plastered on her face, her plan had just begun for Paintbrush and Fan.

She started walking out of the room, then locked the door of the quiet, empty room, putting the key into the same pocket that she put Fans phone into.

A few minutes passed and she had to perfect plan for Lightbulbs damage. She didn't say her plan out loud, of course, because that would be stupid.

She walked over to Lightbulb and began to speak.

"Your next, Lightbulb.."


Word Count: 838 Words

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