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Mhaz kept his eyes on the rock, only several times peeking forward to make sure of where he is heading. Hannev was beside him, and the people walk ahead of the two through a little, rocky pathway that crept down from the height of the hill. Barely anything obstructs their vision on the expanse below, and Mhaz worried a little if the cruising wind blow him away. Or, the rock-mingled ground that is waiting for a foot to slip or trip on.

He could see the people being forced to hold their concerns. And his mind is overflowing with questions, despite none of them about the two pulverized unknown people. Throughout his life, he had heard a lot about the time machine, wild arguments of simulacrums, and something dubbed a virtual universe merged into their chores. He had forgotten them all the moment he was snapped into this reality, but it made his gut uncomfortable thinking about one million years Hannev had just said.

"Can I do you a trick?" Hannev spoke up.

Mhaz just stared back in response and dropped his gaze back to the carved rock.

"Well, any trick requires a secret, eh?"

This time, Mhaz couldn't resist. "What is that?"

"It's called the Brazzin trick," Hannev answered, his face seeming to hide the feeling of spectacle. "But first, I have to tell you something. About what we actually have to do here. And those people in front of us, let's ignore them for a moment. We are now walking towards the Cliff of Brexxy"

"Brazzin? Brexxy?" Mhaz asked.

"Yeah. And let me ask you about commitment. First one, do you want everything to be quicker?"

"It was such a shallow question." He shook his head. "But I would say a yes."

The two continue their steps. They found themselves now meters away from the walking row's tail, which seemed to remain on the right track. Hannev hasn't told them exactly where to go. But, he had spoken about the destination to Mhaz. It's the Cliff of Brexxy down the southwest, with a distance of twenty kilometers that would spare the people a challenging journey. Hannev's tablet said that it used to be much farther away in the future as the result of drifting tectonic plates. He said, the distance would slowly extend until it spans forty-five kilometers in the 22nd century, and Mhaz couldn't be more thankful for the prehistoric version of it.

"You have two options. Either choice leads you to Brexxy." Hannev said, his hands gesturing solid two digits. "Take this walk to the Brexxy, or a quick snap to deliver you to the site. Which one?"

"Quicker snap," Mhaz answered just as quickly.

"Okay, we'll try it together. Punch me in the face."


"You gotta do it."

Mhaz flared his elbow and the fist thrusts against the wind. Hannev's cheek is the target. He had known all about this funny world and his action would just be as ridiculous. And he wanted to test out if the feeling of agony still exists.

"Good!" He mumbled as Mhaz's knuckle landed on his face. "That was a rehearsal."

"Yeah, It would be better if I did it with this stone of the old world."

"Let's pick up the pace with those people, and do the same in front of them. But this time, we're going to fight, okay?" Hannev said.

They could still keep the walkers in their eyes. The path ahead was slightly sloping and bushy. Trees looking new to his sight grew on the side ledges, their towering trunks reaching as tall as the people in their strides. Mhaz wanted to run, but the fear of slipping off and meeting his demise held his urge at bay.

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