Chapter 1: Espresso Breakfast

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                 Waking up with a big stretch as he heard his phone go off, Bad got off his bed to check his text messages. He just got a text from his best bud, Skeppy, asking if Bad wanted to go to the coffee shop with him for breakfast. Of course, the grey fox replied within seconds agreeing. He slipped on his black and red sweatshirt and walked joyfully out the door. As soon as he walked out of the apartment building, he dashed down the sidewalk as fast as he could to the coffee shop. The fox was very excited to see his friend. 

                             Bad was almost to the shop when the fox got a text from Skeppy saying he arrived! "Perfect timing!" Bad thought to himself. He walked into the shop to see his friend waiting for him to arrive. "Hey, There you are! I was expecting you to be running late, as you always are." The opossum said jokingly as they hugged. "You really expected me to? I haven't seen you in 2 weeks! Of course I had to see you as soon as possible!" Bad said grinning and wagging his tail. "Well, what do you want to get," Skeppy asked and before bad could open his mouth Skeppy blurted out, "Let me guess, some sort of muffin!" Bad's mouth dropped and he stood in shock, "Why am I surprised, you know me way too well." He giggled. 

                         "So which muffin do you want? The have blueberry, chocolate chip, banana bread or raisins." Skep asked. "What do you wanna get?" Bad said. "I was thinking I would also get a muffin, chocolate chip of course. Ooo! And a side of vanilla espresso!" Skeppy exclaimed. "You know what, I'll get the same exact thing to make it easier on you, it takes me forever to decide." The grey fox laughed as a smile appeared across his face. "Alright thanks for making it easy" His friend giggled.

                      They both sat down at a table outside where they could view a very pretty setting. "How was you family trip, I completely forgot to ask!" Skeppy remembered. "It was fine, beside the fact that my siblings were still being obnoxious little muffinheads. Never bring young teenagers to the beach, they got my fur all sandy and it took me forever to shower out!" Bad complained as he took a bite out of his muffin. Skeppy chuckled. "If we-I mean I have children, I'm not taking them to the beach until they're older." The fox scoffed. "Oh come on Bad, kids will be kids right?" Skep stated as he noticed something on Bad's right cheek. "Hey, you got something on your cheek." He informed his friend. Bad grabbed the chocolate chip out of his fur as he said, "thank goodness it isn't sand, I would rather be covered ear to tail with chocolate chips rather than sand because sand is a pain in the-" "Ass" Skep said quietly. "HEY LANGUAGE SKEPPY." Bad shouted attracting the attention of other people mean mugging the two friends.

                     "Ok guys you have to get out, this is supposed to be a quiet environment," an unfamiliar voice said. They both looked up at him seeing a worker from the shop. "Sorry he is very loud, we'll just leave now." Skep half joked as he grabbed Bad's paw and quickly got out the door. "I don't get paid enough for this" the owl said as he watched the customers leave.

                 "Dude, you overreact WAYY to much, it was just a word" Skeppy explained. "I know I'm sorry, you know how I am with those words though...." Bad sighed. "Hey, wanna go chill at my apartment? We can be as loud as we want" the opossum offered. "Sure geppy" the fox replied as he smiled. 

I started writing this at 4 am....

Demon Hunter (Dream Smp Anthro Au) Skeppy and BadboyhaloWhere stories live. Discover now