The Truth

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The next morning you find yourself in Mr.Clarkes class, eyes focused on the empty seat Will always sat at. You sighed sadly and leaned back in your chair before glancing at all the boys. Dustin and Lucas seemed worried, but not nearly as worried as you and Mike.

Biting your lip you force your eyes away from the others and try your best to focus on your worksheet. Your leg bounces anxiously as you try your best to answer the listed questions, but you cant seem to focus. In fact you get so lost in your swarming thoughts that you don't hear the period switching bell ring out, that is, until you feel a hand on your shoulder.

Turning your head your eyes land on Maxine, a sad smile on her face "I'm sure he's okay." you squint your eyes and turn to Wills empty desk, letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

"C'mon, we should get to our next class." Maxine nudges you before stepping away from your desk as you give her a puzzling look "What?" looking around the room you notice everyone else was leaving "The bell rang." Giving you a worried glance she watches as you frantically pack up "You didn't hear it?"

You shake your head and stand from your seat, swinging your bag over your shoulder "No..No I guess not." You run a hand through your hair and follow after Max as she steps into the hallway.


At lunch you, Max, Dustin, Lucas and Mike all sat outside on an empty staircase. Mike was currently making a call at the nearest payphone while you and the others sat patiently with some small talk.

You and Max sat shoulder to shoulder, sharing a lunch since the other didn't have money to get one. Lucas and Dustin sat a few steps behind the two of you.

"School lunch sucks." Max gags playfully making you laugh as she pushes the food trey closer to you. You shrug with a smile and reach down to grab something from the trey, popping it into your mouth with a satisfying sigh "I don't know, I think it's pretty good."

Max grimaces "Gross." Lucas nods in agreement "Yeah Ten, school lunch sucks."  You turn to look at the younger boy "Shut up Lucas, you said the other day how much you liked them!" "Yeah only because the pizza is actually good!"

You roll your eyes and reach a hand back to shove Lucas playfully. He laughs and sticks his tongue out at you just as Mike marches back to the group.

You smile at the tall boy and offer him the left overs on your trey "Want some of this delicious school cuisine?" You smirk at the brunette and the others laugh softly. Mike rolls his eyes and makes his way up the steps.

"We need to talk." Marching up to the double doors he steps inside so he's halfway in and halfway out "AV Club, now." He glances at everyone making you sigh and slowly stand after tossing your trash in a near by bin.

Max stands up with you and the two of you follow the boys in, but Mike shakes his head "Party members only." You roll your eyes "Come on Mike." "Nonnegotiable, Ten." Crossing your arms in front of you, you shrug "Fine." Looking from Maxine to Mike you motion inside "Then go on ahead."

"What? Come on it wont be for long." You shake your head "I'm staying with Max."

Mike scoffs "Suit yourself." Then walks inside with the boys leaving you and Maxine outside. The redhead takes a seat on the steps again, you following shortly after her, an overwhelming silence enveloping the both of you, until Max breaks it.

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