Chapter 2

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It's been a week since we moved in. I really like our neighborhood. And best of all, there's this cute boy that lives right next to me! He's in a few of my classes, and we've talked a little before.
"Hey Em, have you been around the neighborhood yet?"
"Not yet, Dad, but I was thinking about doing that today."
"Well go ahead and do that. You don't have to do anything else around the house today. You've done enough already."
My dad is the best. He always does whatever it takes for us to be happy. And it's true, while they've been working this week, I've been cleaning up and sorting everything where it needs to be.
"Are you sure Dad? I can do that later."
"No. No. No. Go ahead. We have a park right down the street and even a library. I know you love being outside and you absolutely love reading."
"Okay, fine. I'll go, but if you need anything at all, I'm coming right back."
"Okay Em. Be safe now."
I walked out the house and it was actually sunny out, with just a few clouds and a nice breeze blowing. It was absolutely perfect.
I went straight to the park. There were a few kids with their parents and then there was that cute boy next door. His name is Adam.
Adam has blonde hair and sky blue eyes. His lips were plump and he had a slim face. He was taller than me too and skinny, but you can tell he worked out.
He was sitting on the bench next to this big tree with plenty of shade. He was with some other friends, but they were playing on the jungle gym. They were all just shouting out to eachother and telling jokes that only they knew.
I took one look at them, smiled, and a walked to the swing sets. I had brought a book with me and just sat down and started to read. As I read, I slowly rocked.
Adam must have noticed me because he had came up to me and sat on the swing next to me.
"Hey are you Emily?" He spoke nervously. Kind of like he had a crush on me, but I don't know for sure if that's it.
"Uh hey. Um, yeah I'm Emily. Adam right?" I knew it was him.
"Yeah! Hey! Um, how's your summer going?"
"It's going great actually. I just moved into that house right over there." I pointed to my house.
"Really?!" He sounded excited. "I live in that green house right next to you! That's so cool!"
"Oh that is cool." I was smiling like crazy by then.
"We should so hang out more often."
"That's exactly what I was thinking!"
I can't believe he really wants to hang out with me! I have to be dreaming. I've had this crush on him since 7th grade!
"Are you gonna be going to 10th grade next school year?"
"Yeah. I'm kinda nervous about it though." And I was. I didn't know if my friends passed or not. We have this thing going and we can't tell eachother if we passed this year.
"Same. Maybe we'll be taking some classes together. Okay, I don't really tell people my feelings, but I'm actually really nervous. Not just about school either."
"What do you mean?"
"Adam! Time to come in! Supper's ready!" We could hear Adam's mom calling out for him to go.
"I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah. For sure."
"Great! I'll go to your house tomorrow afternoon to come get you! Okay?"
Did he just say he'd come to my house to get me and hang out?! Oh! My! God!
"Yeah, sure. That's fine." I smiled and waved at him.
I swung for another good ten minutes and then went home.
"Hey Hun. Had fun at the park?" My mom must have just got home an hour or so ago.
"Yeah I ran into one of my friends while I was there. Turns out he lives in the green house next to us."
My mom and dad looked at me and then looked at eachother. I must've been smiling hard when I talked about Adam.
"A boy huh? What's this boys name?" My dad was pretty protective when it came to boys.
"Yeah. His name's Adam. I'm sure you've seen him before when you were outside mowing the lawn."
"Maybe. Maybe. Are you two hanging out tomorrow?"
"Yeah he's gonna come get me. And when he does, be nice. Okay? We're just gonna be at the park."
"I never said anything. I was just wondering." My dad said trying to sound like he didn't care. His face said he was worried.
"Well anyways, I just finished cooking. Let's eat!"
"Mom, I love you cooking!"
"Thank you Em."

We finished eating and everyone finished their showers.
"Night y'all."
"Good night Hun." Mom hugged me and kissed me.
"Good night Em" Dad hugged and kissed me too. He hugged me again and whispered to me.
"Promise me that you'll always be my little girl."
"I promise Daddy. I'll always be here. I promise." I kissed him back and walked up the stairs.
I walked into my room and laid down.
I started thinking about Adam. I wonder if he likes me. I wonder if he knows I like him.
As I thought about more and more stuff, I started to drift off into sleep.
It was about 3:30 when I woke up. I had just had a nightmare. It was really strange because I usually don't get those. Maybe it was just the thought of being in a new house. Well, I hope it was just that.
I laid back down and fell back asleep.
The next morning, I could feel my mom hug me and kiss my forehead before she left for work.
I opened my eyes as she started to stand.
"I love you Mom."
"I love you too Hun. I'm going to work now. If you need anything, your dad is here and you know my number." She smiled and walked towards my door.
"Okay. Bye Mom. Be careful."

It was around 2:00, and Dad and I were watching a movie.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Dad got up and answered the door. He invited Adam into the house.
"Em, you have company." Dad was behind Adam and making faces at me. Faces of approval!
"Hi Emily! Hi Sir. Nice to meet you."
"Hey Adam."
"So, you're Adam?" My dad tried to sound all tough, but he wasn't.
"Yes sir."
"Well Adam, nice to meet you too. And please, call me Mr. Johnson."
"Thank you Mr. Johnson."
"Okay Dad, we're just gonna be at the park."
"Okay kids. Be safe and if you need anything just come by."

We walked to the park together. God he's cute.
When we got to the park, we went straight to the swings. All we did for a while was swing and talk. We talked and talked about nothing in particular. Mostly just a bunch of random stuff.
Every once in a while, he'd throw in a corny joke. Of course, I laughed like crazy at them.
"Hey Emily, I have to go get something at my house. Is that okay?"
"Yeah. That's fine I'll be right here."
"Okay. I won't be long, promise."

As Adam left the park, some kid walked in. He looked familiar, like I've seen him at school before. I think his name is Will.
He walked up to the swings.
"Hey baby, whatcha doin here by ya self?"
"Um I'm just waiting for a friend."
"Damn girl. You're fine as fuck."
"Um, can you please leave me alone."
"Come here baby. Come on." He reached out for met, but I pushed him away as hard as I could.
He fell back and looked really mad now.
"Oh hell no. No little girl is gonna fucking hit me!"
He then grabbed me. I started to struggle. He gripped me really hard. It felt like when he would let me go, if he ever would, I would be bruised from him.
He threw me against the ground and straddled me, holding my hands down. He started kissing my cheek and neck.
I was about to scream for Adam or my dad when he said if I called for help, I'd be dead.
I spit in his face and yelled,"Fuck you!"
He looked at me and punched me straight in my face. I could feel my nose was bleeding.
I silently cried and was hoping that Adam would hurry back.
Out of nowhere, I hear Adam yell.
"Emily!" After Adam yelled my name in panic, I heard him run straight to the park.
"Get the fuck off of her!" Adam grabbed Will and threw him off of me.
Adam and Will started fighting. Through my teary eyes, I could see that someone was bleeding.
All of a sudden, someone was thrown to the grown and that's all I seen. After that, all I seen was black...

Sorry to be ending it like this, but I promise it gets better! Thanks for reading. Hope y'all enjoy♡

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