☁️ 1:04 AM - Flirt! Cesar x reader ☁️

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I was just casually watching {movie/cartoons of my choice} while sitting on my couch, but then..


I turned to look who the notification was from, it was my boyfriend, Cesar.


C: Hey sweetheart, I'm coming over in 10.

Y: um, why? There's no special occasion or anything..

C: I can't visit my lover now?

Y: yeesh, I didn't say that, it's just so sudden.

C: Well there's more where that came from, anyways, I'm almost there.

Y: alright.

God that man can be so stubborn sometimes. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

*10 minutes later*

I heard the doorbell ring, probably him, I should still check who it is since there's news of alternate lately...
I peep through the peephole to see Cesar holding a boquet of flowers, "What the fuck is he doing with a bunch of flowers, I don't even like them.." I opened the door, only to be tackled by Cesar. "Hey my love, how are you?" He says while kissing my cheeks. "Woah hahahahah, what's with the flowers? You know I don't fancy them much." "So you don't like my surprise?" He says while pouting and doing puppy eyes, "Geez I didn't say that," I say while grabbing the boquet of {flowers of my choice} "Y'know you don't have to do all of these, right?" I ask while letting him inside, "Oh, I know, I just wanted to show my appreciation to my lovely girlfriend now." He says while hugging me from behind, I blushed a little, him knowing I like them. "Ce, stop itt" "Heh, never." He says while biting on my neck. "Wanna watch {movie/cartoon of my choice}?" I ask, "Yeah sure, why not." Him, saying in agreement. I start to prepare the popcorn by putting it in the microwave and grabbing the soda from the refrigerator. "Get over here already, c'mon." He exclaims getting impatient. "Okay okay geez, I'm just grabbing the soda." I walk over to the couch and give the soda to him, "Thanks baby" He kisses my forehead. "Stop being a flirt and watch the movie already." I say, blushing. "Alright alright, I'll stop."

*1 hour later*

"I'm bored" I said slouching "Aw c'mon it was getting interestingg" he whines "But it's boringgg" "No it's not how dare you call Joe Keery boring" (pretend y'all are watching Spree 😭😭) "The plot is taking too long" I let out a long ass sigh "Alright then, got any better ideas?" I thought for a moment "Hmmm... No not really." Suddenly he had an idea, almost like a light bulb popped on top of his head. "I shall give you hugs and kisses." He said proudly, I disagreed. "No way. Heck no." "Why not?" he says pouting "Ehh. No reason" "Not good enough of a reason, now come here" He started by kissing my face repeatedly then pinching my cheeks. "Owowowow stop it, you know I hate being pinched" "Hmm nope, you never mentioned anything" He continues to tackle me with kisses "What did I do to deserve you" "Hmm let's see.. intelligence, beauty, personality, EVERYTHING." He says, emphasizing each word. "Nahh I can't even do simple math" "Really? You're full of surprises aren't you" He says, shocked "No really, I don't know 7x9." "Oh." "Well I'm tired, we should go to bed," I turn to look at the clock "It's already 1:04 AM" "I'm gonna sleep upstairs." Just as I was about to stand up, he grabs my wrist and makes me sit on his lap "Nooo I want you to stay here" "On the couch?" "Yep." He says while stroking my hair, making me even more sleepy. "Well I'm gonna sleep now, goodnight Ce." "Goodnight love." He says while spooning me.


Truth is, I only made this book out of boredom. Yed, so I have 0 experience on writing, but I look forward to getting better in it tho, I also wanna improve my grammar. Anyways cya gays 🤗

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