Character description! Smokey

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This is my normal oc so here we go!

Smokey(don't ask why it's spelt like that. I don't know and she's my character) is my actually normal oc who would talk normally but in story's she would probably talk like this with the italics. General information is just below.


File name:No files or records

Age:15-16 in human years. 15000-20000 years really.



Sexuality:asexual biromantic with a slight male preference

Family:Nova(mother. Presumably dead) Glitchy(sibling. Alive)

Moral alignment:chaotic good

Nationality:from outside the universe

Smokey is a kind character who acts way older than she is. Her older sibling, Glitchy, is much more aloof and crazy so is (they won't admit it but) very dependant on Smokey for a lot of things. She knows that if she dared to act her age then Glitchy would have been dead many years ago. She has a fairly serious complexion and is fairly strong when it comes to combat. Sometimes she would go out in the middle of the night when most people are asleep just to be able to act like herself. She loves animals and would help one in need. She's a helpful person however usually goes outside just to either talk to people she knows or just to do something different. She really likes adventure like her sibling and would probably be the type of person to throw a rock at someone for being rude. She doesn't care about rules if it means someone might die if she follows them but tries her very best to follow them. She keeps many secrets for her and Glitchy's safety. . . She knows that a few people know a bit of what she does but underestimates just how much is known about her. Perhaps one day she'll know. . .

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