Incorrect quotes 1

58 1 64

Glitchy: H373! N-N-Nic3, h0t cupppp 0f c0ff33!

Smokey:Oh thanks!. . . It's cold.

Glitchy:Nic3 cup 0-0-0f c0ff33.

Smokey: it isn't the best. . .

Glitchy: cup 0fff c0ff33.

Smokey:Are you sure you made coffee?

Glitchy: Cup 0f 1iquid.

Smokey:. . . It's solid at the bottom.

Glitchy: c u p


Smokey: I'm the smartest person here.

Creator/Pyro: Is your hand stuck in the vending machine?

Smokey:I paid for my ramen. I'm getting my ramen.



Smokey:*singing while walking down the street* Making my way downtown~. Walking fast-.

Glitchy:*has a lit match in their hand* hiiiiii.

Smokey:*louder singing* Walking faster!


Glitchy:. . . I w4nt3d t0 k-k-kn0w if y0u w4nt3d t000 533 4 m49ic t7ick. I c4n m0v3 th3 f14m3 with0ut m-m-m0vin9 th3 m4tch it531f.

Smokey: Oh sorry. . . Now I feel bad.



Glitchy: I'm th3 5-5-54nd 9u47di4n! 9u47di4n 0fffff th3 54nd!

Pyro: Poseidon quivers before them!

Glitchy:*watching the tide* F*** 0ff!!


  Nova: How do Glitchy and Smokey usually get out of these messes?

Pyro: They don't. They just make a bigger mess that cancels the first one out.


That was fun! First of many incorrect quotes things. Have a good day/night!

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