Part 28: Congratulations

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         Killua fell back onto the bed, with the same frozen expression. Shirayuki shrugged and laid down and hugged him before sleeping.

         'Apart of me kind of wishes that he'd hug me back, I know that he's scared, but it'd be nice to be hugged...'

         Shirayuki went to sleep and Killua had snapped back to reality and saw Shirayuki hugging him while she was asleep. Killua was hesitant to hug her back but lightly wrapped his arm around her, not wanting to wake her up.

          "Killua?" Shirayuki called out, waking up from the sudden hug.

          "S-Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." Killua apologised, pulling his hand away.

          He then saw how Shirayuki looked a bit upset and saw her go back to sleep. Killua then hugged her, and got hugged back.

         "Are you going to do this every night?" Shirayuki asked excitedly, looking at Killua.

         "I guess." Killua muttered, trying to avoid looking at Shirayuki's face.

         'She's already my girlfriend, why am I still blushing?!'

         Shirayuki smiled and went back to sleep, hugging Killua tighter. Killua ended up going to sleep after calming himself down.

         Shirayuki secretly woke up and went outside to climb to the roof and stargaze like how she'd usually do with Lumine, Aether and Paimon when they travelled together or with Athy whenever they wanted to relax.

        "This feels nice, it's like they're right beside me." Shirayuki muttered.

        Shirayuki then saw three shooting stars, and waved to it and continued to star gaze, while sometimes seeing the three shooting stars.

        Killua had woken up and saw Shirayuki missing, "Again?! Where could she be at night?" Killua worried. 

        He quickly tried to find her and then tried to get a good look everywhere and went all the way on top, only to see Shirayuki laying on her back.

        "This girl..." Killua sighed, sitting beside her.

        "What are you doing here?" Killua sighed.

        "Stargazing, it's my friend's birthday today." Shirayuki explained.

        "You had me worry about you." Killua sighed, laying down beside her.

        "I just wanted to celebrate my friends birthday. Sorry, Killua." Shirayuki smiled.

        "I'm just glad that nothing happened to you-" Killua stopped talking and he was slipping off the building, Shirayuki grabbed his hand and pulled him up.

        'Man, why is it always here that saves me? Aren't the boyfriends supposed to do the saving and protecting?'

        "Killua, what's with the sour face?" Shirayuki asked.

        "It's nothing."

        "Come on, let me help you for once." Shirayuki said.

        "But you always help me. You just saved me from falling off, and during the 4th phase, you saved me from falling. You saved me and Gon when we met Hisoka at the 200th floor. I feel as if I can't help you with anything, because you know how to do everything already..." Killua muttered.

         "Killua, who helped me calm down during the trick tower?"


         "Who fixed the jacket which was extremely important to me?" 


         "Who helped me when I was having seasickness?"


         "Who helped me when I got a fever after my match?" 


         "Killua, you've helped me so many times. So, let me help you for a while now." Shirayuki said, smiling at him.

         "You....look really pretty right now." Killua muttered.

         "Woah, where did that come from? You're usually extremely shy when it comes to these kind of things." Shirayuki giggled.

         "It came when I wanted to do this." Killua said, leaning in and kissing her.

         Killua pulled away before Shirayuki could kiss back, and smiled gently at her.

        Shirayuki stood up and turned around, "W-We need to get back, we wouldn't want to miss Gon's match." Shirayuki stuttered.

       Killua regretted his decision for a second but saw the smile creeping onto Shirayuki's slightly red face, and smiled at the sight.


      Shirayuki, Killua and Gon were walking to Gon's match since he had registered a match for today. Killua and Gon stopped and looked at Shirayuki confusedly as she went to the register and resgistered a match.

      "Shirayuki, why did you register a match for today?!" Gon asked.

      "Wait, what? Since when?" Shirayuki questioned.

      "Since just now!"

      "Welp, it's fine. Anyways, I forgot my bag in my room, I'll be back later." Shirayuki said, kissing Killua on the cheek before leaving.



      "Since when were ya'll dating?! The only time you've talked to me about you and Shirayuki was when she kissed you and immediately kicked you out of her room! What else are you hiding?! I'm you rbest friend, I'm not supposed to miss out on this stuff!" Gon whined.

       "W-Well, we were on a date and I asked if we were dating or not and she said no and then the waiter who she was kind of friends with asked who I was and she said I was her boyfriend so we started dating and last night we were talking on the top because she was stargazing and I was trying to find her and then saw how pretty she looked when she kept talking about how she wants to help me instead after I've supposedly helped her so many times so I kissed her and I regretted it because she wanted to go back but she was blushing and had a cute smile on her face and she looked so pretty!" Killua ranted.

       "I-I'm not saying she was only pretty that day, she just looked extra...pretty." Killua added.

       "Oh, okay." Gon shrugged.

       "I rant about how we started dating and how I kissed and how cute she looked while I felt like I was gonna die because my heart was beating so fast and all you say is 'oH, oKaY'?!" Killua yelled.

       "Okay, uhhh....You did it? You are the dating the girl of your dreams? Woo-hoo, congrats." Gon said.

       "Wow, your congratulations is to die for." 

       "Thank you!" Gon cheered, with a cheeky smile on his face.

       "I-That's not- Never mind." killua sighed.

       "You guys would be a cute couple." Shirayuki said, appearing beside Gon.

       Killua looked at Shirayuki worriedly, "Don't worry, I'll find someone." Shirayuki shrugged.

      "But you have me!"

      "Aw, you're so cute. I was just kidding, I'm sorry. I'll buy you chocolate cake, okay?" Shirayuki questioned.

       Killua nodded his head.

A Ninja Becomes A Hunter. (Hunter x Hunter x Oc) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now