That time of the month | Conrad Fisher

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It was that time of the month.

You weren't feeling good and you hated everything right now.

You were bitchy, you were tired and constantly were in pain.

So, you were currently just laying down in bed with one of your hoodies, some sweatpants and some fuzzy socks because you were freezing.

Belly had left to go hang out Jeremiah on the beach and Steven was with his girlfriend Shayla so it was just you and Conrad.

You had no idea where the moms were but they weren't home so it was just you and him.

You didn't want to bother Conrad, but you were in so much pain you were crying.

It has never been this bad and you don't know why it was this bad today, must be just a really bad period.

You had a stuff animal in your arms to squeeze and hold onto.

You had a fluffy blanket on top, and were still shaking.

It was the middle of summer and you were practically freezing.

Your period was really bad this month and you hated life at the moment.

You heard a soft knock on your door and tiredly said come in.

Who you weren't expecting it to be was Conrad, he was not that much of a affectionate person and you weren't expecting much from him.

"Hey, everything okay?" Conrad asked, noticing how you were laying down and saw tears running down your cheeks.

Conrad closed the door behind him and sat at the edge of your bed.

"What's wrong? you can tell me." Conrad said and put his hand on your arm, moving his thumb up and down in an comforting matter.

"It's nothing, i'm just in a lot of pain." You moved to sit up, wincing as you did.

Conrad held onto your arm and helped you up so you could sit up.

"I'm just going to take a wild guess and say it's that time of the month?" Conrad raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

You nodded, holding onto your stomach.

"Have you took any medicine?" He asked, seeming concerned.

"No, i haven't even been able to get out of bed this morning." You winced as you got a strong cramp.

"Okay, i'll go get you some, be right back." Conrad left downstairs to go grab the medicine.

You didn't want him to leave, some part of you was extremely clingy to him and you tried not to but you couldn't help but cling onto him.

Conrad came back a minute later with a glass of tea and 3 medicine tablets in his hand.

"Here you go." Conrad said handing you the capsules and the glass, watching as you put the medicine in your mouth and took a drink, swallowing it down.

"Thank you." You smiled, patting the spot of your bed next to you so he could sit next to you.

Conrad sat beside you, watching as you winced again, meaning that you probably got a cramp.

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