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Foxy woke up. He blinked open his eyes, beginning to sit up in his bed.

"Wha-" he rolled off of his bed and hit his head on the desk beside it.

"agh..." Foxy pulled himself up and rubbed his head with his hand, "that was a good start to the day.."

He grabbed his phone from his desk before sluggishly walking down to the kitchen. He was pulling the fridge door open to grab some leftover steak, when he glanced at his phone. 7:53.

Gasping extravagantly, Foxy slammed the fridge door shut and spun around, running up towards his room. He shoved his schoolbooks into his bag, throwing on his favourite clothes and brushing his teeth.

"oh mah gahad eyem guha be late" He spat into the sink, setting down his toothbrush and running out of the door.

He shivered after a few steps, slowing to walk and reach into his pocket to check his phone. "eer... its 28°..."

Tapping on the green Spotify logo, Foxy shuffled his playlist and put his phone back into his pocket.


"aH-" Foxy screamed, causing an old lady across the street walking her dog to stop and stare. He scrambled to grab his phone and stop the song, deleting Spotify. "I'm done..." he sighed, "DONE."

* * *

Foxy moved forward and pushed the school doors open, wincing at the loud creaking noise it made while he walked into an even louder building.

The old linoleum floors squeaked as student's walked by, an already crowded hallway in front of him. He worked his way through towards his locker and hung his bag on the hook, grabbing his math book and a pencil. He started heading towards his math class before remembering his homework.

"oops... I should probably grab that." he whispered, reaching into his bag to grab his folder. He flipped it open, scanning through the papers, "damn ittt...." foxy grimaced, "are you kidding me?! I swear it was in here!"

Foxy sighed, turning and walking into the math classroom. He sat down in the back corner, mostly as an excuse to not get confronted about his forgotten homework any sooner than he had to. He definitely wasn't anti-social, though, and far from it. He'd talked to almost everyone in the school, was friendly, extroverted... almost to an annoying extent. He had no close friends, but he was fine with that.

"Hey. Person with pink hair."

Foxy blinked and turned towards the person speaking to him, "..Yes..?"

The person beside him smiled, he had black and white hair and matching clothes. He scooched his desk toward Foxy's and continued talking.

"Hey, I like your hair! It's really cool. Where'd you get your shirt?" he continued smiling while pointing at someone in front of him, "That's bonbon. What's your name?"

Foxy moved away as it seemed that the person didn't know what personal space was. "My name's Foxy. Yours?"

"The name's Puppet! Nice to meet you, friend." Puppet moved his seat back to its normal spot, turning as bonbon spoke, "Puppet.. I uh... forgot to do my homework. y'know, busy with.. projects.. can I use yours?"

Foxy winced at bonbons voice. It sounded like he inhaled 50 gallons of helium. Still, he was relieved he wasn't the only one who didn't have homework to turn in. Then Puppet spoke,


"Please? why not?"

"I'm lactose intolerant"

"...That's... nevermind."

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