Circus Baby pov

A few days had passed since anyone had seen Lolbit. The police found nothing. Nothing to hint at where she could be or what could've happened.

Her family and close friends, including Baby, had gone searching for her and also had no luck.

The idea that she would turn up soon was feeling less likely by the hour. This wasn't a thing Lolbit had done before, and randomly disappearing didn't seem like a thing she would do.

Baby sat on her couch staring at her phone. It was a normal Saturday morning, apart from the fact that one of her best friends was missing.

She scrolled through older photos of her friends on her phone. There were a lot of funny ones with Lolbit from back when she was staying at Baby's house, and a few others like her, Freddy, and Puppet when they used to hang out more frequently.

Baby smiled. It was bittersweet thinking about her memories with Lolbit, especially not knowing if she was ever going to see her again.

Resting her phone on her lap, she thought about how crazy these last few days had been.

Baby and her friends had met someone, Foxy, who they'd never met before and as far as she knew, she'd never even seen him before that night he came to Freddy's house with Puppet...

A ringing from her phone snapped her out of her thoughts.

Speaking of Puppet...

She answered the phone and put it up to her ear.


"hey puppet! what's up?" Baby asked.

he cleared his throat, "uh.. I just want to ask, has Foxy talked to you recently? he wont answer any of my calls or texts."

"no.. not since school." Baby laughed awkwardly, "I don't really know him very well yet. plus, I don't really have his number... or address. There aren't many ways for me to talk to him."

"Right." Puppet sighed, "Well I can give you his number. We got into a small argument on Thursday, can you please ask him if I can come over? ...It's for our science project."

Baby frowned, then laughed slightly. "You already made him hate you, huh?" she said jokingly.

Puppet was quiet for a moment. "uh.. no, it wasn't a big deal. Just a dumb thing he got upset about."

"What dumb thing made him not talk to you for two days?" Baby sighed. She'd been friends with Puppet since elementary school, She knew how he could be sometimes.

"He was just upset about something stupid, and I told him it would be fine. He was the one who got angry, I was just telling him about.." Puppet stopped.

"It was about Lolbit, wasn't it?"
Baby frowned, "You told him it was stupid to worry about someone? Is it stupid that I'm worried about one of my best friends?"

"That isn't what I meant." he paused. "I meant that he barely even knew her. He met her the day she went missing, they barely had a chance to know each other."

Baby sighed, "Did you see how he looked at her?"


"It's obvious he had a huge crush on her," Baby laughed, then frowned. "He was trying to be with her at every chance he got."

Baby drifted off while thinking about Lolbit. I wonder if she's okay.. Baby stared off into the distance, thinking, until puppet's voice reminded her that she was on a phone call.

"That's stupid." Puppet said, "What kind of nonsense is that? He knew her for a day. maybe even a few hours. There's no way that can be possible-"

"Stop." baby interrupted, then laughed "You don't know if Foxy saw Lolbit before we became friends. Maybe they had classes together last year or something, He could've been crushing on her for years as far as you know."

Baby smirked, "and Foxy's crush isn't the only one I noticed."

Puppet stopped quickly, "huh?"

"You like Foxy, don't you!" Baby gasped.

Puppet, embarrassed, sat there without saying anything.

"You're jealous!" Baby nodded her head to herself, "Is that why you didn't want to believe that Foxy could like Lolbit after just meeting her? Because that's how you feel about foxy?"

Puppet didn't respond, which gave Baby the answer she was looking for.

She smiled, kicking her feet, "I'll make sure to text him for you."

Foxy pov

Laying on his couch, Foxy stared at the ceiling of his family room. It was a Saturday, and his mom wouldn't be home at all this weekend because of work.

Foxy rolled onto his side and sighed. He was bored, lonely, stressed, and had nothing to do at all.

Except for my science project. he thought, talking his phone out of his pocket and unlocking it.

He clicked on messages and stared at Puppet's contact.

Foxy sighed, he didn't know if he should answer Puppet's texts or not. Puppet was really insensitive about Lolbit, who was supposed to be one of his friends. Foxy really didn't know if he wanted to talk to him right now.

Before he could think of anything else, Foxy got a notification from an unknown number. Usually he'd just ignore random numbers texting him, but he was curious and clicked on it.

"hey foxy, it's baby! how are you doing?"

Foxy tilted his head. I don't remember giving her my number..

"i'm doing fine" he typed, "not feeling the best rn, but oh well lol. how'd u get my number? did i forget i gave it to u?"

"no, puppet gave it to me :')"

Foxy frowned, Baby mentioning Puppet made him reluctant to continue the conversation.

"alright" Foxy tapped the send button.

"sooo, we should hang out sometime soon! maybe get some coffee and get to know each other?" Baby asked.

Oh... she just wants to hang out. Relieved, he typed a response. "sure! sounds fun"

"nice, u free today at 5? we can go to the place near school if u know where that is"

"got it, ive been there before so i shouldn't get lost lol" Foxy let out a sigh of relief. Having plans would stop him from either having to do his science project with Puppet or worry about Lolbit.

He laid on the couch and set an alarm on his phone for 5:00pm, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

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