ice cold rain spattered all around him, sneakers pushing up against the mud and fallen leaves at every step.

every inch of him was screaming to keep going, but he knew he was alone.

if he stopped for a second, even hesitated, looked away from the forest floor he was running through for just a moment...

*    *    *

He shot up from his bed, jumping back and hugging his stuffed bear.

"Sweetie! Wake up sweetie."

He walked slowly toward his bedroom door, out into the warm kitchen.

The sweet smell of pancakes and syrup, and the welcoming warmth of a family.

"There's my little man."

He was lifted by the arms of a stranger, embraced and set back down onto the soft carpet.

Many words were spoken by these things he did not recognize. it made him realize. he knew it wasn't real.

Walking through the kitchen, running his small hands across the table, barely tall enough to reach. Children's toys scattered across the floor.

"Your appointment is today, aren't you excited buddy? You'll be feeling like yourself again."

They bent down to speak to him.

it was standing by the door.
it was standing by the door.
Foxy jolted awake, quickly scanning his room while lying on his floor in a sleeping bag, puzzled by what had woken him up.

The irritating sound of barking resumed, causing him to flinch.

Standing up, Foxy sighed and glanced toward Puppet.

"Still asleep. God, this guy can sleep through anything." he laughed.

He started down the stairs, hoping to let Pancake inside and quickly get back to sleep.

Moonlight seeped in through the sliding door, casting shadows around his back yard.

"Pancake! Get in here." Foxy slid the door open, yelling to his dog.

All that could be seen was pancake's silhouette standing in the middle of the yard.

Foxy blinked. "...huh?"

Taking a few steps closer, he squinted his eyes to see.

Pancake turned rapidly towards him, barking at his owner, directing him towards a hole dug into the ground and snow.

Foxy examined it from about an arm's length away, unable to see anything at all in great detail.

Then came the smell. Foxy gagged, plugging his nose.

"Pancake, what did you do??"

He couldn't tell what it came from, he really hadn't smelled anything like it before, but he assumed it was some kind of dead animal Pancake caught and decided to eat.

"Ugh, gross.. That's enough adventure for you, boy."

Still holding his nose, he reached for Pancake's collar to pull him back into the house. But surprisingly, Pancake jumped back and stood his ground.

"It's too late for this!" Foxy shivered at a cold winter breeze. "If you want to sleep outside, then sleep outside."

Turning back towards the door, his dog lunged at him and grabbed onto Foxy's pants with his teeth, holding him back.

Pancakes, being a small dog, made it easy for foxy to lift him up. He wriggled in Foxy's arms, barking and trying to get back to the hole Foxy assumed he dug.

Then he saw the shovel.

What..? Foxy bent down, dog in hand, and examined it. How did this get here?

There had been no shovels like that in his house, he knew it. It was a large metal shovel; a shovel that would be used to dig dirt or sand. Foxy's mom didn't have a garden, and all he'd seen in the garage all his life were snow shovels.

"Was someone here..??" Foxy shivered, setting Pancake down and holding the shovel in his hands.

He turned back to the hole Pancakes barked at, each footstep making a soft crunch in the snow. Foxy failed to think of a reason a random person would even decide to dig a hole in someone else's backyard.

I guess he'd just have to find out.

Jabbing the blade of the shovel into the ground, Foxy pressed down on it with his foot. He had no aim, no plan, just pure curiosity.

"You wanna help, boy?" Foxy smiled at his dog. At least he could make some fun out of being woken up in the middle of the night.

The dog backed away, whining.

Foxy shrugged, trying not to breathe in the air with his nose.

After only removing one shovel full, he saw some sort of fabric barely showing beneath a thin layer of dirt. A dark liquid started to seep through the break his shovel had made, which made him flinch back.

He threw the shovel down beside him. It was blood.

His first thought was that he must've accidentally dug up the deceased pet of the family that lived in the house before him, but that option was quickly disregarded after he really saw how much of the dirt was disturbed... how large whatever was buried had been.

Foxy's eyes widened as he took a sharp breath. His hand clenched the side of his oversized pajama shirt. Without any sign, he sprinted back towards his house as fast as possible, leaving everything behind.

He slammed the screen door shut, scrambling toward the kitchen counter, lifting the house phone and dialing 911.

His brain foggy, everything was numb. When the operator picked up after what felt like ages, all he could mutter out was

"I found her."

*   *   *

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