5 - The legend of the Luna

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Now that we have learned about how the beautiful brunette Swan meet her other mates and her soul bonds, there is still a few more people to talk about.

La Push, Washington is the location of the Quileute Reservation. La Push is the town right next to Forks.

On the reservation is a pack. A wolf shifter pack that are given the gift of shifting to protect the people of the reservation. Every generation a few people in La Push are given the ability to shift.

There is also a group of older adults that know of the pack and the legends and stories around the shifters. They are known as the pack elders.

You would think probably that Madison hasn't ever meet her mates or soul bonds that reside in La Push, till this lifetime as they aren't inmortal like the Cullen's or the Volturi.

But that's not true. They actually first met in the early 1800's in La Push, Washington.


Her mates and soul bonds on the reservation now are actually reincarnated. Their first life time was set in the early 1800's.

Madison actually spent the most time with both her romantic and platonic soulmates before her death. Madison was born and raised on the reservation starting in 1801.

In this lifetime, Madison grew up surrounded by her soulmates and soul bonds for 18 fantastic years.

Madison became one of the biggest and most talked about legends on the Quileute Reservation.

She was the beautiful, strong, compassionate and loving girl who always did everything to help others and make them happy.

She was so important to all on the reservation but especially to the ones she shared souls with. She was the imprint of 5 shifters and had soul bonds with 5 others on the reservation. She of course had strong relationships with others in La Push as well but never the same or as much as the ones she shared apart of herself with.

She was imprinted on by Paul Lahote, Jacob Black, Seth and Leah Clearwater, and Embry Call.

Madison had soul bonds with Sam Uley, Emily Young, Quil Ateara V(the I when they first met but in present time is the V), Jared Cameron, and Billy Black.


She was the pack Luna as she was the imprint of the Alpha Jacob Black. But even before she was fully put into the position of Luna she did things Lunas would do even before she knew what that all was.

She cared about everyone. Helped others when ever she could. Loved everyone she could.

She grew up and lived with her lovers, friends and family on the reservation till one horrible day when some nomad vampires came into the reservation. Madison was out with a group group of kids and a few adults closer to the line between the Town of Forks and the reservation. Herself and the group she was with were watching to rabbits that were born a few weeks ago and now are all walking around playing in the grass.

It was a peaceful day.

Till it wasn't.

The nomads came out of no where. Madison and the adults that were with the group which consisted of 2 women and 1 male fought the nomads trying to protect their land but also the children.

Madison got the kids a little further away while the nomads were distracted by the other wolves.

She told the children to run back to the pack. Told the older kids of the group to watch the younger ones.

She told them to go find more adults and tell them what's going on.

Once the kids ran off back to the pack houses Madison took off back to were the fight was happening.

Once she got there she say that one of the females was either dead or injured on the ground and the other two were definitely hurt but were still trying to fight the 4 remaining nomads out of the 7 that were there the other 3 were died.

Madison shifted and helped fight the nomads.

When the 3 wolves were fighting more people from the pack came to help.

They then thought they got them all...

Madison just shifted back and was about to run towards her mates when a nomad vampire that was hiding came up behind her and tore a part of her throat out while her pack members, mates and soul bonds watched.

Pack meme era killed the nomad while Madison mates and soul bonds rushed to her. But their was nothing that could be done.

She died surrounded by her soul bonds and mates. Who used her last words to tell them she loved them.


That's the day that the reservation went went into a sort of forever morning for the loss of their Luna.

Even as time went on and new generations came they all knew about her. Their old Luna. The light of the pack.


A few days after Madison's passing, someone visited her mates and soul bonds tell them that they would see her again. Not in this life but in there next. But they would see her again.


Now in the current time line they are finally reincarnated.

Destined to meet again.

They will be reunited soon. Very soon...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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