Chapter One

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Once I woke up I saw Sarah beside me sleeping soundly and I smiled at her. She's been here all night since I fell asleep. I yawned and when I turned to face my clock I shot out of my bed because it was 7:45 in the morning and my classes start at 8 crap! I started running to my drawls and I got undressed. Before I could put on my bra I heard a gasp from behind me and I saw Sarah looking at my half naked body and I covered myself and blushed. When she noticed that she turned around.

"I am so sorry Clare, I felt you get out of the bed quickly and I thought you had another one of your terrors, by the way nice ass Clarisse." I heard her giggle as I finished getting ready because I was going to bed late. I grabbed my bag and started to run off, but I stopped by Sarah and she looked worried. "Clare, are you sure you're alright? Here lately you haven't been yourself. I'm just really worried." She said in a concerned voice. I took a deep breath and I looked at my wrist watch it was 7:50.

"Sarah I would love to tell you, but right now I have to get to class. I'm already going to be late as usual. I promise I am alright hun just have a lot of stress right now and it's getting closer to the end of the school year. I love you Sarah, but I have to go." I said as I kissed her cheek and left.



After I saw her leave I couldn't help, but smile and touch my cheek the one she kissed. I was so used to her doing that, but at the same time it just made me have butterflies in my stomach. She was so perfect in my eyes, but why couldn't I tell her how I really felt about her? I signed and lay back down on her bed. My classes don't start until this afternoon. I guess I could stay here and clean her apartment because it was very messy. My OCD was kicking in now and I had to clean.

So I got up from the bed and started to make it. As I was cleaning her room I found some kind of envelop that said report on and it was due today. Shit, I need to go to her school and give this to her before she starts to freak out. I grabbed my keys and started walking down the stairs and I realized I broke down her door again. So I called a friend of mine to fix it for her. Then I left. When I got here I saw Clare just now getting out of her car and walking inside the building.


I made it to my classes only about ten minutes late and I was thankful for that. I walked into my class and I saw Mr. Beats was standing up in front of the board and looked at me with a frown on his face.

"Alright class I want you to answer these questions before I return back to class. I need to have a word with Mrs. Johnson. In 3...2...1... Go" H e said as everyone started to answer his problems while he took me into the hallway and folded his arms.

"Clare this isn't like you, you've been coming to my class later and later and your grades are falling. What is going on with you lately? You were always on time, but now you're slacking. What is up?" He asked me with a worried expression on his face like he wanted to help me. I wanted to tell him, I wanted to tell someone but I just couldn't.

"I'm sorry just a lot has been going on lately... I haven't been sleeping well at night and my job I've been working overnight everyday. Last night was my only time off and I started studying for the test this class and I was up all night with my report that I finally finished. I'm sorry I am being late, but right now things are difficult... My sister Sarah came to visit me last night after I woke up around midnight because I didn't answer my phone or texted her back... Please I am begging you just give me some time... I can do better" I said almost in tears, but I pulled them back so I wouldn't look weak. I hated it when I was so stressed out and scared. I knew I was failing this class just like my other classes.

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