Imagine 1 (LukexReader)

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Description of reader: red hair, blue eyes, 5ft 2in.
Sad or happy: Happy
Pov: 3rd
Prompt or description: the reader helps Luke after he's injured in Iraq"
Requested by Slytherin529

Y/n opened the door to Luke's room and saw him asleep on the bed. It had been a few months after his injury in Iraq, and he was trying really hard to learn how to walk again, so today Y/n was going to help him. She quietly grabbed his running gear that he kept in the closet and put them by the front door. She then went and made pancakes for breakfast. Y/n heard Luke grab his walking cane. He came and sat next to her.

"Good morning Luke," Y/n said.

"You made pancakes," he smiled. She nodded. He sat down at the table and starting taking some of the pancakes.

When he finished he got up to walk to the couch, but he saw his running shoes by the door. "Do you want to go for a run?" Y/n asked, smiling innocently. He shook his head.

"I can't, not with my leg," he said.

"One run, it doesn't even have to be far, it could be to the end of the block," she told him. He sighed and just nodded his head. She jumped with joy and put on her running shoes. She then helped Luke with his. After helping him down the stairs, and by helped she let him use her as a makeshift crutch, seeing as he's 10in taller then her, by putting his arm around her shoulder and put his weight onto her. When they got to the bottom of the stairs he let go and sat down for a minute.

"We are moving one of these days," Luke said. She just laughed. He then pushed himself up. We slowly started walking before getting into a slight jog. When we got to the end of the block Y/n saw the enjoyment on his face. "I did it," he said.

"You did," She smiled happily. There were tears forming in her eyes when she saw how happy he was. He gave her a huge hug, before giving her a kiss on the lips. She laughed and kissed him back. "Do you want help walking back?" she asked. He nodded and let him put his weight onto her. When they got back to the house she sat down on the couch next to Luke.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you to," she whispered. "Tomorrow, if you want, we can try and go a little bit farther." He smiled happily and nodded. Y/n then turned on a movie while enjoying the look of happiness and proudness on Luke's face.

A/N: I hope you liked it.

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