Imagine 3 (Lukexreader)

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Requested by Slytherin529
"'You're okay, we're here, you just have to trust me.' Set after Luke is injured?"

I woke up to the house phone going off. I thought it might be my mother because she was babysitting Luke and I's kids for the week to give me a break. I picked up the phone and heard and deep voice ask, "Is this Y/n Morrow?"

"Yes," I responded. "Is everything alright?"

"No, Luke has just been in a explosion. We are flying him back to America from Iraq know," the man said.

"Thank you," I said. I felt tears streaming down my face. Our oldest was one and seven months (one and three months when Luke left) and our youngest was eight months (four moths when Luke Left). They barely knew their father. I called my mother and asked if she could watch the kids a little longer because some issues came up. I didn't tell her what because I didn't want her to worry too much.

A few days later I got a call from the hospital saying that Luke was there and stable. I thanked the worker and drove to the hospital. I saw his brothers car, and I thought the hospital may have called him as well. I walked in and was shocked to see my father in law, Luke's brother, and his wife.

"You're okay, we're here, you just have to trust me," Mr.Morrow said.

"No I want Cassie! I want my girlfriend!" I heard him yell. My heart broke into a million pieces. I knew him and his ex, Cassie, broke it off because of the debt the two fell into, but they remained friends and I see Cassie as my best friend. She and Luke broke it off with Mutual feelings and neither one of them were hurt by it. Cassie was the one to set me and Luke up, was a bridesmaid at our weeding, and the godmother of our youngest. I looked at the doctor.

"Why doesn't he remember me?" I asked.

"He must have suffered some type of head injury. Most likely a concussion. His memories should come back in due time," he said. I nodded. I walked into the room and stood next to my father in law.

"Thanks for coming," he whispered.

"No, thank you for being here," I said. "I know you and Luke aren't on the best of terms right now," I said to him. Jacob and Hailey walked over to me. Hailey gave me a hug.

"How much of that did you hear," she asked.

"If you're trying to ask if I heard about Cassie then ya, I did," I told her. Jacob gave me a hug and a sad look. "Don't pity me."

"Have you heard about Frankie yet?" Jacob asked. I nodded my head.

"Cassie told me after Frankie's parents told her," I said.

"Luke told us out of guilt," he said.

"I'm right here you know," Luke said. "Who's this, where's Cassie?"

"I'm your care taker. When your released you'll come live with me until your better," I told him.

"I want to stay with Cassie!" he yelled.

"Well that's too bad," Mr.Morrow said.

"Cassie is welcome to visit any time she likes though," I said. He nodded. I then left the room and back to my car. I had left my phone in the car and saw five missed calls from my mother. I tried calling her, but she didn't pick up. When I went to pull out my mother pulled in. I got out of my car and saw Cassie getting out of the car and grab Allison into her arms. "Cassie, why are you in my mother's car? With my daughter?" I asked.

"She had a fever, but we just thought she was coming down with a cold, but then she was running around and just fainted. Your mom's is home with Jack trying to get him to calm down, because all he saw was his older sister fall down and not respond to his calls," Cassie said. I nodded and took Allison from her arms.

"Word of warning, Luke thinks you and him are still dating," I told her.

"Oh my god, Y/n I'm so sorry," she said.

"It's not your fault," I told her. When I got inside a doctor took my daughter from me and they rushed her to the ER. I sat in the waiting room, and called my mother. She said she didn't think the fever was that serious so she just gave Allison some medicine. I told her the doctors are trying to figure out what's going on know, but that Allison is slowly coming back to consciousness. Mr.Morrow walked out of Luke's room.

"What are you still doing here, we thought you went home," he said.

"I was, but then Cassie came with Allison saying she fainted so I'm waiting for a doctor to tell me what's happening, and Cassie went back to help my mother," I told him. He nodded.

"Luke is coming around, he knows who you are and knows he has some relation to you, and he also remembers the kids," Mr.Morrow said.

"Do you want to meet Jake?" I asked him.

"What?" he asked.

"Well you meet Allison because I needed my car fixed and Luke wasn't home, and you knew I was pregnant with Jake, but you never actually meet him. Do you want to?" I asked.

"Ya, I do actually," he said.

"Wonderful, do you want to meet him now, or in a little," I asked.

"Let's wait till Luke's back to his full senses, and that way if he objects to me meeting him, you two don't get into a fight over it," Mr.Morrow said. I nodded. "Has Hailey and Jacob meet him yet?" I nodded my head.

"Luke called them when I went into labor knowing they were closer to the hospital because he was stuck in traffic. Luke barely made it, and Hailey helped me. That's the only time they met him though," I said.

"Mrs.Morrow?" the doctor said.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Your daughter has just a common cold which caused the spike in temperature, and she fainted because her body wasn't used to the heat and over heated," the doctor said. "She'll be fine in a few days, we just want to keep her here until then for observation in case anything else goes wrong," he said.

"Thank you," I said.

"Dad, Luke remembers," Jacob said.

"Look at all this great news," Mr.Morrow said. We laughed and walked into the room.

"Hi baby," Luke said. "I'm so sorry for not remembering you."

"Not your fault, you got hit, but you remember now," I said. He smiled and I gave him a love filled kiss.

"How are the kids," he asked.

"Allison, got a cold and fainted and is here right now for observation, and Jake is at home with my mom," I told him.

"Is she going to be ok?"

"Allison's going to be fine, they said, her body just wasn't used to the temperature spike," I told him. He looked relieved.

Everything from the on was perfect. Mr.Morrow was a amazing grandfather to the kids, and Luke and Allison both got better. Luke gained a Purple Heart, and got a job at a restaurant while he was recovering fully.

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