Chapter 1

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Hope you like this story! This film is one of my favourites!



Ladies and gentlemen, if I were you, I'd buckle up. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Some roads lead into the fire. Some roads lead into the sea.

A young girl with short brown hair frantically ran down a tall metal tower, occasionally bumping into people causing them to yell at her in annoyance.

Some roads lead into the light. Some roads lead into a fight.

She smiled happily in excitement as she rushed through a roaring crowd, realising she was almost there and couldn't wait to see the race and her friends. Some people were leaning over the railings, cheering and throwing bottles.

Some roads lead into your heart. Some roads shake you. Some roads take you to the start.

She stopped when she heard the sound of engines and looked up with a laugh, seeing many motorbikes jumping off a ramp over her head.


The girl looked around for the source of the voice until she saw familiar (h/c) hair. She smiled and forced her way between people toward her friend, (Y/n).

The bikes came down onto another ramp, some of them skidding and tipping over. Most of them continued speeding across, almost too fast for the eye to see. One of the riders, a young man with his hair tied up, his hair pointing upward and a brown leather jacket. Goggles on his eyes and a smirk on his lips.

Everyone has an identity.

They went underground and weaved their way between machinery and support beams, some crashing and some flipping over from trying to avoid them.

Depending on the time or place we all play our roles.

One of the fallen bikers knocked over a large pot of melted iron.

Student, worker, father, daughter, even hero.

The guy found himself in first place, a familiar figure riding a white bike right behind him.

I'm Li Yunxiang. And right now, I'm a racer!

Yunxiang smirked at the camera, "Specifically, a racer that's about to become champion."

His smirk dropped when from the corner of his eye, he saw the all white racer pass him from on top of another pipe. He chuckled and revved his engine, "Getting ahead of myself." He sped up, making himself beside the other driver.

Each person finds their own place along the path, I'm still not the rider who has won your heart yet.

The (Y/n) and Kasha climbed their way onto the tall metal bridge, Kasha waving a large red and gold flag. Both started cheering when they saw Yunxiang speed around the corner.

My bike's roaring, the wind's soaring. Blow away all the numb indifference in this troubled world.

Yunxiang and the other racer were neck and neck, Yunxiang a little behind them. He tried to go around them, but they were now in a narrow lane, whenever he would try to go around they would move in front of him, frustrating him.

God knows if I am how I should be yet I know I just can't stand the way you look at me.

Yunxiang looked around for another way when he noticed some pieces of metal had fallen, creating a wannabe ramp towards a higher row of grates. He instantly turned and he increased his speed.

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