Chapter 3

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Yunxiang's eyes snapped open and he sat up gasping.

He stayed still for a moment, trying to remember what happened, but winced when he felt slight pain all over his body. He furrowed his brow confused when he saw the golden sunlight filtering through an open window, reflecting on his bandage-covered torso. Where was he? How did he get there?

He looked around as the noise of people rushing and whining brought him back to reality. He found himself sitting up in a bed, many other people in beds filled the room. People in white coats walking around talking to everyone.

He looked down at his hand and saw it covered in a bloody bandage. His head whipped over when he heard a familiar voice giving people orders.

Dr Junzhu Su walked past the end of his bed, taking off her medical mask and gloves, "The patient should be stable now. Observe him carefully."

"Dr Su, her fever's gone down."

"Set up a consultation later. I'll find you." Another woman ran up to her, "Dr Su, please sign for the delivery."

She looked up and noticed Yunxiang was finally awake, "It's not much water. Don't waste it." She pulled open the curtain beside his bed, temporarily blinding him as even more sunlight filtered through.

Junzhu grabbed his shoulders and examined some of the wounds on his head. Yunxiang winced as he thought she was gripping him rather tightly for someone who is handling a patient, and he could have sworn she was glaring at him. "What are you doing?"

"What do you think? I'm a doctor here, remember?" She explained curtly.

Yunxiang looked around confused, "How did I get here?"

"A strange man dropped you off last night. I was on duty."

Yunxiang shook his head and tried to get up, Junzhu instantly tried to stop him, "Stop! You're injured." During his sudden movements, one of his bandages peeled off, making Junzhu gasp at his completely healed wound, "What? It's healed?"

Yunxiang clenched his eyes shut and shook his head more as his heart beat increased drastically, so much it was all he could hear. "Are you okay?"

No, he wasn't. His head throbbed in pain. He could hear everything, water dripping, nurses talking from farther in the hospital. It was starting to get too much for him, his breathing became heavier and the pain became more intense. Suddenly, the events with Ao Bing flashed through his mind, the flames, the ice, the poor kitten, Kasha lying unconscious on the ground and (Y/n) lying on her side, blood on her head and holding her wrist.

Everything stopped and his eyes widened, "(Y/n)! Kasha! Where are they?!"

Junzhu helped him out of bed and told him where they were. Before she had the chance to protest, Yunxiang sprinted out of the room, stumbling here and there, desperate to find his friend and the girl he loves.

He made it around a corner and his eyes widened when his girlfriend walked out of a room with a solemn look. His eyes filled with tears and he nearly sobbed in relief after seeing her alive.

(Y/n) looked up and gasped when she made eye contact with Yunxiang. She sighed in relief, seeing that he was okay.

Before she could speak, she found herself tightly encased in his arms. She found it difficult to breathe but she didn't care. She wrapped her arms around him just as tightly, burying her head in his chest.

Yunxiang eventually pulled away, cupping her cheeks and scanning her over looking for injuries, "Are you okay? Where are you hurt? Are you in any pain?" He asked her rapidly. He frowned when he noticed a small scar on her forehead. He continued looking her over and stopped when he saw the white cast around her wrist.

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