Chapter 4

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Yunxiang sat on a chair next to his brother's hospital bed, fiddling with his fingers. (Y/n) sat next to him with her hand rubbing his back comfortingly, her cast removed. The only sound that could be heard was the gently ringing of windchimes outside the window.

Suddenly they heard rushed footsteps and Junzhu's voice, "This way. He's in here." The door flung wide open and Yunxiang and (Y/n) stood up at the sight of his father.

Old Li stood stock still at the sight of his oldest son unconscious in the bed. Yunxiang opened and closed his mouth, trying to figure out what to say, "I-"

"Get out of here."

Yunxiang and (Y/n) gasped at his cold voice and Yunxiang looked away sadly. He picked up Jinxiang's coat and held it out to his father, but he just looked away from him. (Y/n) watched them sadly and quickly went after him when he ran out of the room. Junzhu watched her sister and Yunxiang with worry.

Yunxiang tore off his jacket in anger and threw it to the side. (Y/n) called after him but he either ignored her or didn't hear her over his own thoughts. He bent down and picked up a spanner, trying to tighten a bolt on his bike when images and voices he didn't recognise flooded his mind.

It became too much and suddenly flames burst from his hands, encasing his bike making the flames larger and wilder. Yunxiang jumped back in shock and stared at his hands that were still on fire. He panicked and looked around at the crowd that had accumulated and his girlfriend who stared at him stunned. People with masks came with fire extinguishers and turned them on the bike, thankfully putting out the fire before it did any major damage.

After his bike had been deemed safe to ride again, he hopped on. He was about to drive off when he remembered his conversation with (Y/n) the day before and looked at her. Without saying a word he nodded at her and she nodded back, grateful that he was still willing to let her come. She quickly jumped on and they drove off, towards the masked man's home for more answers.

Yunxiang and (Y/n) walked back into the building they last saw him in anxiously, "Hey! Can you teach me?"

"Hello!" (Y/n) called out when they didn't get a response.

"No, I can't." They heard his voice, but they noticed it had an edge to it that made them nervous.

Yunxiang thought for a moment before a light bulb went off in his head, "I thought you wanted a motorcycle like mine. I'll build you one." Yunxiang sighed when he didn't get a response, "All I want is to control the fire."

They both jumped when there was a thud behind them and saw the masked man leaning towards them excitedly, "A bike even cooler than yours?!"

Yunxiang chuckled, "You got it."

"Okay, fine. However, I can't guarantee the lesson will stick. So let's get it straight. Even if you fail, I still get the motorcycle, huh?"

"I'll learn."

"And I'll make sure it sticks." (Y/n) said, ruffling her boyfriend's hair. Laughing when Yunxiang complained and tried to swat her hand away.

The masked guy chuckled at them, "Okay." He pulled a lever and the wall beside them opened up, revealing a large room filled with bike parts and a large machine at the end.

"You may have fire in your primordial spirit." Yunxiang tried lighting his hand on fire again, and succeeded, but it spread and covered his torso. "But your body is just flesh and blood. The fire inside you is too fierce. So you will need iron and steel to channel it out." The man moved his fingers and many metal tools came flying off their hooks and charging towards Yunxiang. Covering his arms, calming down some of the fire when another piece suddenly crashed into his private area, making (Y/n) wince and Yunxiang fall to the ground from the pain. "Most importantly to put it out."

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