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Anyway, life update and upcoming chapters:

So I got too busy in the brain to write for awhile, hopefully I'll be writing again, but let's try not to jinx it :p

I had a pretty bad infection(it hurt a lot) for a bit, got sick immediately after recovering from it, got better then got sick again (round 2 bleh), and apparently I've never had a rough ovulation before(only cramps during the main event) so I thought I was dying for a bit there lmao, and after that I was too worried about my drivers test to even think about writing.

(my pronouns are they/them, but he/him is fine too)

So yeah I did it!

I plan to write Good boy ch 9 and I still have that light devil fruit one to do as well. I think ch 9 will finalize the route I'm gonna take for the ending, I have multiple ideas atm.

I could've sworn the light devil fruit one was a request, but I couldn't find the request message anywhere.

There's this love game thing in my drafts(idea only ,nothing written) so maybe that one will become a thing.

Love ya'll, and hope things are going well!


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