[I made the art above and damn am I happy with it (*´˘'*)♡]
I recently started anime journaling and decided to start with my favorite boi!
The whole cake side doesn't have any writing since I haven't gotten there yet.
I'm soooo close tho ಥ_ಥ I'm at the beginning of Zou.
At least I get to see Bartolomeo, love that boy ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*
I occasionally write poetry lol, don't @ me.
Anyway, sorry I haven't updated recently. I was planning and actually began writing something, but I got really sick and it took me awhile to recover even after it was over. Damn did hit me hard.
No, it wasn't the "lovely" illness everyone is talking about. It was actually a stomach bug with a horrific fever.