Surprise! It's a Confession!

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Finally got to your request. Sorry it took so long!



Slash after slash y/n kept blocking to the best of their abilities.

They got stuck in a fight with a swordsman, and Sanji with devil fruit user.

As usual something went wrong with the plan, the crew got separated across the kingdom, a princess in danger, and a horrible group doing an injustice to the people of said kingdom.

This time it was a cult who would blackmail people by finding their darkest secrets and threaten to reveal them if they didn't do their bidding. This was all done using the Truth Truth Fruit. The same fruit of the devil fruit user Sanji was fighting, not that Y/n and Sanji were aware of that.

The two pirates were at a great disadvantage. Sanji couldn't get close to the long ranged fighter, so all he could do was dodge and hope none of the "holy" truth beams hit him.

Y/n was stuck using their bow to block a sword.

A beam shot right passed his head barely missing him at the exact moment Y/n was shoved backward and hit by the beam.

Y/n's startled shout was loud enough to distract the devil fruit user.

Sanji quickly took advantage of the opening to crush the bastard's skull with his heel. Unfortunately, he didn't get to enjoy the victory. 

The swordsman saw an opportunity to take out Y/n and took it.

Sanji quickly turned and ran as fast as he could.

With one swift spin kick the sword swung toward Y/n's head was redirected into a nearby wall.

The swordsman, now swordless, stood still for a moment and then promptly decided it wasn't worth his life. 

Sanji let out a sigh of relief before turning to check on Y/n.

"You alright?" He asked quietly offering a hand. Y/n took it and let him help them up.

They felt a bit off and warm, but otherwise everything seemed fine. That is until they tried to tell him that.

"I love you." Was what came out instead.

They both froze, Y/n in horror and Sanji in shock.

A breeze drifted through and all that could be heard was sound of rubble dropping from the ceiling onto a pile on the cracked tile.

"Wha- what did you say?" He could've sworn Y/n just said they loved him, but no... that couldn't be right. Right? He'd never get that lucky... He simply zoned out into the land of the lovesick and daydreamed it up. Yeah, That's what happened.

"Oh my god." Y/n said as they pulled at their shirt up to cover their face and turned around. They couldn't believe that just happened. No. No. No. NO. "I meant to say 'I'm fine' not that. Oh god not that."

Wait a damn minute. Wait. Wait. Wait. So he didn't just dream that up? Holy shit! He actually had a chance!

"Y/n, did you actually mean that? You weren't lying right?" He cautiously approached them.

Y/n buried their face deeper into their shirt and groaned before mumbling out an answer. "I didn't intend to say it, but I wasn't lying." As embarrassing as it was, they refused to lie and potentially hurt Sanji just to save their ass.

They turned back around toward Sanji preparing for the worst, but instead saw him doing that silly little lovestruck sway he'd always done at the thought of something romantic.

"Oh, Y/n! I Love you too!~" He sang cheerfully and pulled their hands away from their shirt so he could hold them. " We should go on a date! And I could make your favorite desert and bring flowers and then we could walk along the beach and Oh! We need to go farther away so that stupid marimo can't disturb us and we could elope and-"

"Ok. Ok. I get it. A date it is then." They interrupted him with a flustered laugh and entangled their fingers with his. "Maybe not the eloping part. I'm not ready for that yet."

Sanji nearly fainted. Yet. They said yet.


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