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A/N: This is what I imagine Leia Starstruck to look like in her slave uniform, pls be nice I drew it.

"Hustle, hustle. Get up off your lazy asses!" yelled the zygerrian guards, in the dark corner of the room hid a young girl, she came from Tatooine. "I can see you Starstruck, you're not invisible. Hustle, hustle." Leia Starstruck came out from the safety of her dark corner into the harsh lighting of the slavery prison, the guard grabbed her chain that was around her neck and yanked her forward, Leia yelped in pain as she clumsily fell on the floor  and the other slaves just looked down and sniggered. She got back up on her feet and began limping forward, she figured that her leg is broken because she has felt this pain before. 

Leia walked alongside the guard as they led her to queen's  chamber, she was to be expecting guest's and Leia was to be serving. As they reached the grand door Leia straightened her head piece, pulled on the golden door knob and walked in. In the middle of the room was three arm chairs and in them sat the Queen, her crown placed gently on her big cat like ears and in the other chairs was a boy around 15 and a man with a strange hair style. "Thank you for coming Mr. Kenobi and Padawan Skywalker." Leia overheard the Queen say, "I have asked for your help in hopes that you can protect me and in return I will give you my youngest and prettiest slave." the Queen beckoned her to come over. "This fine slave can be yours if you protect me." Leia noticed that the young boy was shifting in his seat, he looked extremely uncomfortable, the older one stood up and shook the queen's hand.

 She was sold off to yet another person who would either treat her like a dog or garbage. The younger one, who Leia found out is named Anakin Skywalker, grabbed the chain around my neck and took me outside while his master and the queen conversed. Once they had made it out of any one's ear shot, Anakin spoke "Hi ummm... I don't know how to say this but, you're free now." Leia looked at him in shock, "I know exactly what you have been going through, but I can also sense the force in you, it is very strong. I was wondering if you wanted to join the Order." Leia didn't what to say or do, she suddenly spoke after minutes of thinking of what to say, "I have no idea how to use it though, I could never a be Jedi." Of course she'd known about her force strength but she'd never used it. "Obi-wan can teach you. Wait here, then we will come and get you," And then Anakin left. 

Leia sat there waiting for Anakin to return with his master, it had felt like hours of sitting alone in the dark like she normally did in the cells. Then she heard footsteps coming in her direction, she looked out and saw the two Jedi squabbling over something, hopefully it wasn't anything serious. Anakin spotted her and began to quickly walk towards her, he had a giant smile on his face, the lighting in the room made his blue eyes sparkle. The way he looked in that moment made Leia's heart flutter. Anakin stopped right in front of her and smirked, "Were you staring at me?" he asked, Leia shook off the effect of his smirk "Maybe." she said with a wink. Taken aback by Leia's sudden confidence, he took her hand in his and said "We gotta make a run for it." Without questioning Leia began running, Anakin not too far behind. 

As Leia began to slow down Anakin propped her up on his shoulders as they heard his master yelling at them as he struggled to catch up to them. Leia and Anakin couldn't stop laughing, they were like yin and yang, they were best friends already. Anakin stopped and Leia looked down to see him smiling up at her, she smiled back. "You wanna see something cool," Anakin asked, Leia nodded vigorously "Ok then." he said smiling again. He pulled out his left hand and began dragging an invisible force, but then a big ship came into view, it was like he was pulling it, Leia realised that Anakin was using the force to bring ship down from it's landing pad. 

"You guys need to slow down otherwise I'm going age quicker." Obi-wan said out of breath, breaking Leia out of her trance. Anakin placed the ship down carefully and reached up to get Leia off his shoulders. Once she was off Anakin's shoulders Obi-wan said "Hello there, you must be the young slave that Anakin insisted we must save, I believe your name is Leia." She looked at Anakin with a grateful smile, he just winked causing her cheeks to go crimson in colour. Leia replied "I am extremely grateful that he wanted to help me and yes, I am Leia Starstruck." Obi-wan just nodded and began walking towards the ship, Anakin grabbed Leia's hand and ushered her towards the ship, she smiled as he began to drag her up the ramp into the ship. Then it dawned on her, she'd never flown outside of Zyggeria before...

A/N: This is basically just a prologue because it is really hard to write in third person for me and  it is going to be in first person for the rest of the chapters, I will also change POV's so you get to see what the other person is feeling. I hope you enjoyed this chapter xx

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