(5) New Closet

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The light was shining in through the curtains of Anakin's room as I got out from under the covers, but I was stopped by a firm hand gripping my wrist, "I have to go, Anakin; I need to change into something suitable to walk around the city in." I said, hoping he'd let go, "5 more minutes, please." His voice muffled by his pillow, "You don't need me for that." I said, he finally let me go, and I walked out of his room. 

Once I got to my room, I threw my dirty clothes into the wash and quickly got into the shower; water was running down my bare back when I heard a strange noise outside the bathroom. I shut the water off and wrapped a towel around my wet body, the door to my room was ajar, and there was a note on my bed, written on it were three simple words: You cannot love. The paper of the message looked like it had been ripped straight out of the Jedi rule book; I couldn't worrywouldn'this now; I have somewhere to be. 

I ran into my walk-in wardrobe decked out with thousands of Jedi robes; I walked towards the back, where I had my secret stash of regular clothes. I grabbed my favourite 'casual' dress and quickly slipped on my Jedi robes on top; I looked back at the strange note that sat on my bed and wondered who had dared to rip a rule out of the rule book. I slowly wandered the halls that led to Anakin's room; my thoughts were still racing in my head when I suddenly bumped into Master Kenobi. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, Master. I was distracted." I said as my gaze turned to the floor. "Don't worry about it, Leia," he replied, placing two fingers on his temples. "I'm just a bit tired; you can be on your way now, young one." I nodded and continued walking to Anakin's room.

A/N: This is the dress I had in mind

A/N: This is the dress I had in mind

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I walked down the hall the rest of the way to Anakin's room; I roughly knocked on the door, waiting for him to answer the door. Finally, the door opened, and Anakin stood there with a look of awe on his face; he'd never seen me in any of my clothes other than my Jedi robes, but of course, he was in his usual Jedi attire - he still looked stunning, though. "Uhhh h-hey hey," Anakin spoke with a cute stutter. "Hi! You ready to go?" I said in a steady but loud voice, "Yeah! Let's go!" he replied with the same energy; we linked arms and walked down towards the hangar. 


Anakin was being extremely picky with his speeder, he couldn't decide between the red one with the open cockpit or the blue one with the retractable roof. He slowly walked around the blue one for like the fifth time and then he walked up to me, grabbed me by the hand and brought me inside it. It's interior was a glowing, fluorescent blue and accented with black. I sat down in the passenger seat and waited for Anakin to stop floundering around. "Ok, so what shop are we going to go to to get our outfits?" Anakin said, breaking the silence as he sat down and started pressing buttons. The lights flickered on as the engine roared to life, we started to lift off the ground but before we could get out of the hangar we felt a strong force pull on our ship. 

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