Chapter 2 "(Y/N) Begins [2]"

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A year had passed since you had started living with Summer, Tai, Yang, and Ruby.

You'd turned 10 not too long ago, and so did Yang while Ruby was 8.

Slowly, you got used to not being afraid of anyone in the house.

With Yang being your age, she talked to you lots about the stuff she had done in her previous years.

She wasn't bragging, just telling you about some of the things you missed out on.

Summer would get you back into school and found out you learned pretty quickly.

You all grew closer. You called Ruby a Cookie Monster with her love for cookies.

And Yang was just Yang.

Sometimes you'd go outside with Ruby and Yang as they ran around having fun.

You had one or two panic attacks that subsided, thankfully, due to everyone comforting you.

It was the afternoon, and you had all been released from school.

You, Ruby, and Yang all ran around playing tag.

You had just tagged Ruby before dashing away.

Looking back as you ran, you weren't aware that you were about to run into a tree.

"Look out!" Ruby shouted.

You looked forward and would run into the tree, getting knocked down on the ground.


Yang and Ruby ran over as Yang crouched to your right as you held your forehead.

"Are you okay?!"

"My forehead hurts..."

"Ruby, go get Mom or Dad. They'll know what to do!"


Ruby took off running back to your guys' home.

While you laid there, your forehead was in a lot of pain.

"Yang, my forehead really hurts..." You said squirming uncomfortably in pain.

"You'll be fine! Mom'll patch you up and you'll be right back out here."

"I know... My forehead still hurts."

White Rose Petals would zip to your side as Summer, Ruby, and Tai appeared.

Summer crouched down.

"Okay can you move your hands so I can see the damage?"

You moved your hands.

There was blood pooling around the middle of your forehead.

Summer would take an alcohol rag from the first aid kit and clean up the blood as you flinched from the pain.

When she finished cleaning the wound, she took a closer look and saw a piece of a thorn that got stuck in the wound.

Reaching into the first aid kit, she grabbed the tweezers and would pull 4 thorns out of your forehead.

Summer put the tweezers back before cleaning your wound again.

"Can you sit up? I have to bandage your wound."

You sat up as Summer took out bandages and bandaged up your forehead.

"Ouch!" You yelped in pain as she tied the bandage. "The bandages are squeezing my brain!"

"Oh, you'll be fine!" Yang said, slapping you on the arm.

"Hey! What happened to that care that you had earlier?"

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