Chapter 4 "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!"

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"My circle is straight, you won't even find one gay." - Ham Sandwich 

Also, this is how I imagine the Male Reader or (Y/N). You don't have to use it, don't eat my ass about it, I'm sure you know the whole spiel. 

As you soared through the air, your eyes were comfortably closed, then you started losing velocity

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As you soared through the air, your eyes were comfortably closed, then you started losing velocity.

You felt the wind on your skin as you gently opened your eyes.

Exhaling through your nose gently, you continued to fall calmly until you were mere inches from hitting the ground.

Burn →→→ Polarity →→→ Glyphs →→→ Petal Burst √

Before you hit the ground, you would suddenly vanish, leaving rose petals in your previous position.

You stood up on a new part of the ground.

Petal Burst →→→ Burn →→→ Polarity √

'Polarity. Self-explanatory...' You thought.

Polarity →→→ Glyphs √

'Glyphs? Interesting! Or it's boring... I hope not!'

During that your eyes would glow a bright gold. You unsheathed your weapon, proceeding through the forest.

"♪ Hm~ Hm~ Hm~ Hm~ ♪" You hummed, walking leisurely through the forest filled with Grimm.

Hearing a twig snapping, you turned around in the direction.

Your eyes narrowed in the direction.

"If you're a person and not a Grimm, step out now and I might forgive you for ruining my song."

What emerged from the bushes was a Beowulf standing up.

The Grimm would dissipate after being cut clean in half.

You turned back around, going back to your song.

"Hm~ We can be heroes everywhere we go. We can have all that we ever want."

Suddenly you got surrounded by Beowulf, stopping your singing.

The shocked look on your face turned into a grin.

"I can finally test this semblance!"

A Glyph would be created on the ground.

'Hmmmmm. I mean... Seems like it'd be used to summon something. What to summon though...'

An idea popped into your head.

'I wonder...!'


You leapt to the left and from there smoothly transitioned into a backflip over another Beowulf now outside of the circle.

Then the Glyph from before appeared on the ground again and something began to slowly come out of it again.

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