Character Profiles

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Kian Wattson

Age - 18

Height - 6'1 

Semblance - Double Impact

Semblance Info: There's been nothing of it so far.

Aura Color - Bright Yellow

Synopsis from the character's he's met so far.

August Kuma - "I dunno... He's just some weirdo who sparkles and wears really tight clothes. I wouldn't be surprised if he tried some weird shit."

Anza Darkos -  "He's an idiot plain and simple. Seems like he gets easily offended when someone doesn't know the fact he's some sorta illustrious model or some shit. Struck out twice within me not even knowing him for a day. Struck out with me. Then struck out with (Y/N)'s girlfriend. He's an idiot."

Yang Xiao Long - "He's... Questionable. I mean he asked me out in front of my boyfriend, that was interesting. Though he leaves a bad taste in my mouth just with the way he acts around girls and what not. Seems he cares more for face than the things around him."

Ruby Rose - "Um... I was told by (Y/N) to just generally avoid people who I find creepy or weird when I was younger so I try to avoid him. He creeps me out. It's like he's always sparkling...... Creepy!"

(Y/N) - "Ah, Kian? Well, I think he's interesting at the very least... I don't know very much about the guy but honestly I want to know more. He's strong. I know because there's this strange feeling I can't describe. A feeling I get from him that's different from everyone else. He's definitely strong... What's with the skintight clothes though?! That's weird! I am still glad to have this weirdo as a teammate."

Ozpin - "I have never heard that someone would leave a school because they got bored. None the less after the first year. If it was missions he wanted he would've gotten them the next year. There's just something about him that I can't help but question."

Glynda Goodwitch - "I can already tell he'll be troublemaker in the future."

Weapon - Rapier 

Past - Besides his modeling career and past at Shade Academy there is nothing known about him.

Fun Fact - Kian is an only child.

August Kuma

August Kuma

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Age - 15

Height - 5'8

Semblance - Enhance 

Semblance Info - Enhance has the ability to enhance things, evidently. It creates a pattern on the weapon and that pattern glows a color. (Y/N)'s pattern would glow gold and Kian's being shadowy light. August's weapon would be covered in a bright white light.

Aura Color - Light Green (Like his eye color)

Synopsis from everyone he's met so far. 

Anza Darkos - "I'm really surprised that another kid was allowed in here. I thought it was just him apparently some kid called Ruby Rose was allowed in as well. Ruby is also apparently (Y/N)'s best friend or sister or something... His semblance seems awesome."

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