002. fight for your right

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fight for your right
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮TWO! fight for your right╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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Ashley Parker currently laid awake in her bed, staring up at the ceiling in annoyance. It was barely past seven in the morning and she was already up.

Despite, it being summer break, she didn't have the chance to sleep in. She had been scheduled to take the morning shift at Scoops, meaning she had to be there bright and early to restock the supply and open the shop. She so desperately wanted to fall back into her pillow to pass out but she couldn't.

The teen girl thought it was completely useless that the ice cream parlour opened so goddamn early but when Starcourt Mall opens at 9am then the rest of the stores had to open at that time as well. Scoops Ahoy was no exception to that rule.

It was kind of pointless to have an ice cream parlour that early as no one in their right kind would ever buy ice cream at this hour of the day. Their daily rush of customers didn't even show up until at least noon

But here was Ashley Parker, getting up to work her shift, despite the nonexistent customers at 9am. "Why couldn't I have gotten a job at a record store?" She grumbled to herself.

There's not a day that goes by where she curses herself out for taking that job at Scoops but she had no other choice. She had applied to like every single open position at the new mall but none of them accepted her. The management of each store took one good look at her appearance and immediately turned her down. Many of them thought that she looked to 'rebellious' or scare off the customers.

Scoops Ahoy was in desperate need of employees as they had gone through too many. The only two who stayed past the training period, was Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington. They were desperate for anyone to join their team.

So, when Ashley came along, looking for a job, they immediately gave her the position of ice cream scooper. And lucky for them, she was a good employee, so they felt no need to get rid of her, despite the way she looked.

The teen girl's thoughts were cut off by a sudden banging on her bedroom door. "Ashley! Don't you have to be at work in an hour!" The voice of her mother reminded.

"Yeah! I'm up!" Ashley called back in annoyance.

The teen girl rubbed at her eyes, desperate to get rid of any tiredness that lingered in. Once she knew that she was ready to go about her day, she peeled the light comforter off of her body. The artificial cool air of the AC hit her skin and she got up. She then reached over to grab her uniform that was hung up over the bed frame before getting up to get change.

𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ! robin buckley Where stories live. Discover now