Hellsing episode 9

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(Scene opens up to a women dying in bed with a child integra standing over her in bed)

Integra: mommy I don't want you to go

Mother: well that's selfish integra I'm dying

Richard: it truly is a tragedy I can't believe that somebody poisoned our afternoon brandy…it's just bitter sweet fortune that I was spared

Mother: yes it is my brother Richard traitoro Hellsing but as I die the authority of our sacred organization goes too my precious daughter

Integra: what

Richard: yes with great…I-i-i roll it back

Mother: integra you must stand taller than us all now and lead the men and women of the Hellsing organization

Richard: (gasped shocks) t-thatz uh t-thats great…(high pitched) yaaaay

Mother: if you should ever find yourself in peril know that deep in the dark forgotten dungeon there is one man you can count on

Integra: but Walice doesn't live I can the dungeon she lives under the stairs 

Walice: hmm

Mother: goodbye my starling..and (coughs up blood) that was my favorite pillow…ugh (dies)

Integra: Mother nooooo (crying)

Richard: Walice did you know that you have paid vacation days

Walice: oooh

(Scene cuts to integra inside an air vent looking down at her uncle)

Guard: sorry sir still no sign of her

Richard: so did you actually look for her or did you all just go the fucking sunglasses hut

Guard: we did both

Richard: (slams fist) to hell with this

Guard: why can't we do both

Richard: if you want your family murdered you do it Yourself again

Guard: I knew he did it

Integra: (thinking) what do I do Walice is in Brazil I'm in a vent my uncle is trying to murder me I guess my only hope lies in the dungeon

Gaurd: by the way would you like these extra pair of Oakley's

Richard: it's none fucking pm

(Scene shifts to a grate falling from the ceiling and integra hopses out right in front of a basement door)

Integra: I made it but how ever while I know which door is (notices evil door) it's definitely this door though I wish it wansnt

Richard: YOU there you are my little niece I wanted to come and give you a present before your succession ceremony I wanted to give you your parting gift there's 11 infact 12 if you include in the chamber

Integra: you killed my mother

Richard: no no the posion killed your father I murdered your father

Integra: then I guess you belong down here (opens door and jumps down) OH god there are so many stares

Richard: hya (shoots her)

Integra: w-where is he

(Scene shows a rotting skeleton bound against the wall by several holy chains that give off a holy light that almost hurt the demons inside the room)

Integra: oh goddammit mom he is dead...oh integra you can't have a puppy that's to much responsibility

(What nobody notices is integra blood as pooling into cracks that slide over to the Skeleton which get absorbed through the foot up into a shriveled up heart that becomes full and rich pumping blood as new skin forms on the body)

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