Chapter 2

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Elijah steps forward while Damien and Oliver open the doors for us as the music had just started to play. I’m so nervous and yet, I can’t wait until this is done and over with. As soon as the doors open, I’m enveloped in different scents from the room, some of which being a few alphas. It’s so strong, my stomach can’t help but turn and yet, it makes me feel great at the same time.

Elijah glances over at me before whispering, “Don’t think about it and occasionally hold your breath if you need to. This’ll be over before you know it. You got this, Missy.”

I nod my head in agreement before smiling as I walk down the aisle with Elijah by my side, surrounded by a whole room of people standing, as all their eyes are on me. I glance up ahead before noticing Sylas’ gaze is heavily upon me, almost as if waiting to pounce. He’s making me anxious by looking at me like that. I look down as I smile sheepishly, trying not to cry or run away. Before I know it, we’re finally at the alter where Elijah gives me away to Sylas.

“Take care of her, son,” Elijah adds before turning around to kiss my forehead only to then take his seat beside Lyra and Seth.

Sylas takes hold of my hands, placing them before us as we listen to the preacher lead us through the ceremony. I kept my head down most of the time, since I was attempting to control my emotions and my anxiety, but it didn’t seem to work much as my hands were still shaking.

Sylas squeezes my hands tighter, causing me to glance up at him for a moment as he mouths the words, “It’s okay. I’m right here.”

I suddenly fill with relief as I nod my head in agreement before smiling solemnly at him with heartfelt eyes. Before I know it, we’re exchanging our vows and the preacher asks us to take one another in holy matrimony.

“Very well then, you may kiss the bride,” the preacher says happily.

Sylas pulls me closer by my waist, pressing my body against his before he carefully holds the side of my face only to pull me in for a kiss. I give in by holding our kiss a bit longer and overlapping our lips once, just to sort of give a show. Suddenly, I feel myself heating up a bit, in which, I push myself away from Sylas as I rest my head against his chest.

“I need to get out of here,” I mumble.

Sylas nods before he wraps my arm around his to then lead me down the aisle, the both of us smiling and waving at our guests. Shortly after we exit the room, Seth quickly meets me at the staircase only to take my hand in his.

“I’ll take care of her for now. Katya will come back down for the after party when she’s ready, but in the meantime, I hope some of our guests understand how vulnerable she is right now and tone down the pheromones,” Seth states before nudging me upstairs to take the lead while Seth and Sylas stay behind to talk.

As I’m walking, I can’t help but eavesdrop on their conversation.

“I want to see her for a little bit, she needs me,” Sylas argues.

“No, otherwise you’ll put her in heat. She already broke into a fever, so, she’s one step closer to it, in which, we can’t risk you getting too close to her after that. Sy, please don’t make me get dad to hold you back. Just comply. You’ll be together for two weeks after tonight, so, just drop it,” Seth puts his foot down, slightly threatening Sylas.

I sigh briefly before whispering, “It’s okay, Sylas. Just keep your distance from me until tonight. Please, don’t make things harder than they have to be.”

Suddenly, they both go quiet before Sylas gives in as he whispers, “Okay.”

Seth quickly runs upstairs to attend to me in my room where I’m currently changing out of my wedding dress and into the after party dress. Seth walks in as I’m slipping on my party dress, in which, he looks away while shielding his eyes.

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