Chapter 2 // Training

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°°Aspen's POV°°

The older man continued walking until we reached a place secluded for mannequins. Most likely for training. "Wait here, I need to go grab something." he instructed, going to where the ingredients were and grabbed an ancient looking book with even more ancient looking writing on it.

"With the dnd campaign becoming real, we should be able to use the dnd spells in the grimoire. I have it from past role plays with my brother." he brought out holding up the book letting us get a better look. It was quite thick but not too thick. The ancient writing looked more like Latin now that we look at it closer.

'Bestiae et Incantamenta Grimoire' it read in a fancy font, meaning 'Beasts and Spells Grimoire'. How cliche. This should have our answers. "But sir, isn't there only the moon deliverer and its minions? Why would we need to know about other beasts?" Caleb queried staring at the grimore. I tilted my head also wanting to know more.

"Actually, there isn't just one boss in a campaign. There's still other big creatures like mini bosses where you can get more materials and equipment from. The moon deliverer is sort of the final boss of this game if you know what I mean." William explained.

So now there's even MORE monsters? I mean, I guess it does kind of make sense. But defeating this thing is going to be way harder than expected.

We didn't know how to read much Latin so William taught us some common words and helped us to read a few texts in the grimore that we didn't know.

After reading about a few basic spells, William brought over a mannequin and told us to try out a spell we wanted to do.

I stepped forward first and voiced out the words "Motus imperium", a basic spell that allows the user to manipulate the movement of objects, the bigger or heavier the object, the more energy and power needed. Latin for 'movement control' which is pretty self explanatory.

Lifting and Facing my hand towards the mannequin while voicing out the spell, I focused all my energy onto the target, imagining the directions of where I want it to go.

Few seconds of silence later, the mannequin started to shuffle backwards and ended up falling. My eyes lit up in achievement. Woahh.. That actually worked! "ha.. Oh my lord it actually worked!" I exclaimed turning to William and Caleb. "Holy mother of God! That was so cool! I wanna try now!" Caleb squealed excitedly.

He decided to do one of the ritual spells. He picked the mannequin back up, opened the grimore again and started grabbing the ingredients shown in list. The shelves which carried ingredients had a variety of materials so finding a certain one was not a problem.

He grabbed a charcoal stick and drew a circle with a few smaller circles on the curved line equally spaced around the mannequin. In each small circle, he placed one ingredient. A bird feather, an iron ingot, the petal of a flaming flower and a piece of Blackstone.

After the arrangement was completed, he took a step back and said "Catena Subject!" The arrangement started to glow and pairs of chains appeared and replaced the ingredients on the ground, securing the mannequin to the ground.

Caleb started to bounce up and down, "That was sick!" he shouted, his dark eyes shining in amazement. I squealed quietly, I can't believe we can actually do magic now!

°°Caleb's POV°°

It was so exhilarating each time we got a spell right and we always burst into smiles after each one. We did a few more basic spells and rituals until we sadly had to move on to fighting techniques. Starting of with some stretching and moving onto basic kicks and punches, we went to one of the punching bags and I went first.

William instructed to do how we normally punch something to see our ability and guide us from there. I punched the sack with all my might. The sound the impact made was quite loud and the punching bag went quite far back.

William looked impressed, clapping slowly and I put my chin up in pride. "Good strength. But your making the fist wrongly. It may not hurt now since its a sack filled with just beans but in an actual fight, you would break your fingers. Try again," he commented.

Fixing my form, I went for another hit, just as strong but more accuracy. "That's much better! We can train on another punching bag later. Now it is Aspen's turn." He said.

Aspen stood up and got ready in front of the punching bag while I took a seat on the ground. He got into form and punched the bag quite hard similar to my second try.

" Not bad! You just have to continue training with the same form but more strength and speed." William commented, also clapping.

Aspen and I went to separate punching bags and started to train our punches and kicks while William walked around to analyse us and gave advice and tips.

After a whole hour of just training, we were tired and hungry. It was around 1 o'clock in the afternoon meaning it was lunch time.

"Hey William? Uhh is it fine if we change clothes. The ones we're wearing now are full of sweat and I don't want to stink up the place." Aspen asked scratching the back of his neck from a bit of embarrassment.

"Of course! It's totally fine. My room is the second door nearby the entrance to the right. You can use the clothes in my closet for now. Until we find better clothes to fit you. " he answered.

"OK thanks!" Aspen replied, grabbing my hand and leading me to the room. When we got there, we saw a door with a nameplate that had 'Gabriel William' scribed onto the metal and opened it to see a normal bedroom . I think this is the right one.

I didn't know William went by his second name? We entered the bedroom and opened the closet doors. We looked through the closet but surprisingly the clothes seemed to be our size. We continued to look through it until we heard another young stranger's voice...


W/C : 1057

And that's the second chapter. Hope you've been liking the story so far and I'll try to give weekly updates. :) -Azuria

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