Chapter 3 // New Friend?

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°°Aspen's POV°°

"HEY! THAT'S MY STUFF!" a young voice was heard from the entrance of the room. Caleb and I quickly dropped everything and I quickly walked towards the new found stranger.

"Oh god I'm so so sorry! We thought this was William's room. He said we could borrow his clothes and since the nameplate had William inside we could only assume. I'm so sorry!" I rambled panicking that they misunderstood our intentions.

The young boy sighed, pinching his nose bridge in annoyance. "It's fine I guess but William Callahan's room is two doors to the left not the right. I'm Gabriel William. I understand our rooms get mixed up sometimes so it's fine." the named boy explained.

Oh I think we must have used the wrong right. And it makes much more sence about the names. Well that was embarrassing.

"We are extremely sorry and thank you for forgiving us. I'm Aspen and he's Caleb." I apologised and introduced ourselves, pointing at Caleb.

Gabriel led us to the correct room and we rummaged through the closet for the clothes closest to our size. We walked back to the training room where William was to ask where the bathroom was and Gabriel followed.

Arriving at our destination, William turned around to face us and noticed our new companion. "Oh! I see you have met Gabriel. They were here before you guys. Mostly because he is my nephew, my sister's child. I can introduce her to you later." he beamed.

"We didn't know you also had a sister. By the way, do you mind telling us where the bathroom is so we can change?" Caleb asked. William perked up. "Gabriel can show you. He knows where it is and this is a great opportunity for him to finally bond with someone his age. It's hard to get him to make friends." he sighed, slightly lowering his head.

"OI! That's not true!" Gabriel retorted, crossing his arms. William gave him a questionable stare and Gabriel loosened up, dropping his arms. "Ugh, whatever. Just follow me," he instructed.

Caleb and I followed him while chatting and for a person that doesn't make friends, he was surprisingly really cool.

We reached two bathrooms which entrances were facing one another so I took the left bathroom while Caleb took the right.

"Don't take too long! I still have to show you the place where we eat for lunch!" Gabriel shouted. Caleb and I shouted an 'OK!' and started cleaning ourselves up.

After a few minutes, I finished and exited the room. It looked like Caleb had came out not long before me.

"Sorry if I kept you guys waiting." I apologised, scratching the back of my neck.

"It's completely fine. We weren't waiting that long. You came out right after I did." Caleb reassured. I let out a sigh of relief. Gabriel then stood up from his sitting position and gestured us to follow him to the dining room.

Now that we are looking around, this place was huge! Especially for an underground house. The walls were very strong to and the place was lit up brightly.

We were led into a room with a table that could fit 8 people into sitting there. We walked past the table then into a kitchen where we saw William and a woman cooking.

"Hey uncle, mom. Need any help?" Gabriel asked. "No need dear. Oh! You must be Gabriel's new friends! Gabriel can be shy so I'm so glad you bonded with him. " the woman noticed happily.

"Mom... Stop embarrassing me." Gabriel complained, face turning red. I let out a small laugh and introduced ourselves "Well, nice to meet you too Miss William. I'm Aspen and this is Caleb." Caleb did a small wave and the mother's grin widened.

"Please. Call me Hannah. No need to be formal. And go grab a plate and take a seat, food is almost done anyways." she instructed.

We did as she told, taking a plate and sat next to each other at the dining table. Not long after, Hannah came in with a pot with tongs followed by William with two plates. Most likely for Hannah and him.

They put everything in place and sat down. "Dig in everyone!" Hannah exclaimed. She distributed the food which we now know is spaghetti with white sauce and ate it gratefully.

After eating we helped clean up the dishes and now it was time to learn some chemistry.

William led us back to the training room and to the cauldron with shelves around the bowl carrying ingredients.

This time William pulled out a slightly thinner book than last time called 'Lebetem faciens', Latin for 'A cauldron's making'

Reading on important rules about chemistry and potions. We continued with getting to know each ingredient like differentiating leaves, flowers and so on.

Finally finishing up the basics we went on with learning new sequences and potions.

Time for science.

W/C : 824

A/N :
Sorry this was short, it was extremely rushed as I wanted to post this on time. Hope it was still decent though.

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