Another Man's Jeans #2

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Earth 31Y/n's View

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Earth 31
Y/n's View

"I don't understand why I have to sneak out." Allison says.

"Can we please not argue about this?" I ask.

Allison sighs and climbs out of the window. I close the window and sigh.

I haven't really spoken to Alexa since that night we slept together. It was awkward — we said I love you and acted like it never happened.

The entire cast is on vacation in Hawaii. I went to college here before I dropped out and I just got back in touch with the girl I dated in college.

I'm trying to force myself into sleeping with her so I can get over Alexa but I can't. It never feels right with Allison. I don't party like I did when I was 18. I have a mortgage and I'm about to be 28.

"Y/n." Alexa says knocking on the door.

I open the door and Alexa comes in.

"We're leaving to get breakfast in 15 minutes." Alexa says.

"Okay." I say.

"Nice hickey." Alexa says pointing at my neck.

I quickly cover it and she laughs. She walks out and shuts the door.

Alexa's View

Did that I love you really mean nothing to her? Did she just say it to make me happy?

Time Skip

"You're already packing up, huh?" Y/n asks walking in the room

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"You're already packing up, huh?" Y/n asks walking in the room.

"Our flight is at 3 in the morning and I'm not gonna want to do it tonight." I say.

Y/n shuts the door and I stare at her.

"What?" I ask.

"I can't hide this shit anymore. I love you, I always have. I've been trying to fall out of love with you by seeing other people but I can't." Y/n says.

Alexa Demie Oneshots ✓Where stories live. Discover now