Fight or Flight

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Y/n's View

"I need some advice. There are have been some changes..." I say.

"Oh my god, you haven't reached puberty yet?" Allison asks.

"Bitch, I'm about to enter menopause and so is your old ass." I say.

Allison laughs and I smile.

"What's up?" Allison asks.

"Alexa doesn't look at me the same. I don't know if I did something wrong." I say.

Something's gotten into you
You don't really look at me the way you used to

"And a lot of people have been n telling me that she doesn't want me anymore. Almost as if she's falling out of love with me." I say.

And I'm hoping it ain't true
Every single rumor that I've heard of you

"She says she going to hang out with her friends but when I call Zendaya, she has no idea what I'm talking about. Sydney has no idea what I'm talking about." I say.

Say you were off with someone that I don't know
Callin' other people on your telephone

"Maybe she's..." Allison says.

"I know..." I say.

Kinda wish I didn't know

"I'm sorry. If you need anything or just wanna talk, call me." Allison says.

"Thank you." I say.

"I love you, Y/n." Allison says.

"I love you too." I say.

I hang up and sigh.

The front door opens and Alexa's comes in.

"I need to sigh these for me." Alexa says.

Alexa hands me an folder and I open it.

Divorce papers.

Well, fight or flight, I'd rather die

"W-What? I don't— Why?" I say.

Than have to cry in front of you

"I just don't think I'm happy." Alexa says.

"T-That's fine." I say as my voice cracks.

Fight or flight, I'd rather lie
Than tell you I'm in love with you

I grab the pen off the counter and put the folder down.

"There's someone else." Alexa says as I start to sign my name.

My eyes are welling up
As you admit there's someone new

I stop writing and put the pen down.

It's my move, fight or flight?

"I'm gonna have Liam look over this." I say shutting the folder.

"Are you fucking serious? You don't need a lawyer! There's nothing bad in there, are you stupid?" Alexa says.

"Well, I wasted 6 years of my life being with you. So, I must be. You want it so bad, you'll fucking wait." I say.

"You're acting like it's not your fault I had to find someone new. It's like you didn't want to keep me." Alexa says.

"You know what I didn't do? I didn't step out on my wife who had been trying to fix and keep our marriage together. I DID think about our son and how he shouldn't have to grow up in 2 different houses." I say.

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